Home » Boko Haram, Borno, Latest Politics, State News » Pope Francis condemns Borno massacre, Anglican knights task FG

Pope Francis condemns Borno massacre, Anglican knights task FG

From Paul Osuyi, Asaba

Pope Francis has condemned the killing of farmers in Borno state, Nigeria.

Speaking during his virtual weekly general audience, yesterday, the Pope commiserated with families of the slain farmers and prayed that the “hearts of those who commit such horrors” would be converted.

“I want to assure my prayers for Nigeria, which unfortunately once again has been bloodied by a terroristic massacre,” the Pope said.

“May God welcome them into his peace and comfort their families, and may he convert the hearts of those who commit such horrors, which gravely offend His name.”

The United Nations had described the killings as the “most violent attack” targeted at civilians in 2020.

In a related development, the Knights of the Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) have urged the Federal Government to address the myriad of security challenges in the country.

The knights under the aegis of Joint Council of Knights (JCK) also called for urgent steps to address the issue of youth unemployment.

In a communique issued at the end of its 22nd biennial delegates conference in Ughelli, Delta State, JCK also told the Federal Government to address the issue of police brutality.

In the communique signed by its President General and Secretary General of JCK, Vincent Orhiunu and Elvis Oharisi, respectively, the JCK frowned at the hardship Nigerians were going through as a result of the hike in the pump price of petroleum products and electricity tariffs.

Lamenting that the constant hike in the pump price of petroleum products had led to inflation, the knights called on the Federal Government to put measures in place to ameliorate the sufferings of the masses.


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Posted by on Dec 2 2020. Filed under Boko Haram, Borno, Latest Politics, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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