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Presidency defends Tinubu over sons’ inclusion in delegation to Qatar

By Olugbenga Ige

The presidency has defended President Bola Tinubu‘s decision to include his sons among the delegation going with him to Qatar.

Naija News reported that President Tinubu’s sons, Seyi and Yinka, were among the delegation members to travel with the President on a state visit to Doha, Qatar.

The Nigerian leader will visit the Arabian country for a business and investment meeting scheduled for March 2 and 3, 2024, but will be accompanied by 38 others, including his sons.

Following the development, the President came under fire for including his sons in the delegation to Qatar for a state visit.

Reacting in a post via his official X handle on Tuesday, the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Digital/New Media, O’tega Ogra, said the President’s decision was not a new thing and not uncommon.

Ogra said that some world leaders take their children on state visits to educate them about world affairs and different cultures, and to maintain a semblance of family life, despite the demands of public office.

The presidential aide, therefore, asked Nigerians to stop majoring in minor things and focus on relevant issues.

He wrote: “It is not uncommon for children of world leaders to accompany their parents on foreign trips. In fact, it is the norm. Canadian PM Trudeau is known to travel with his family on official trips abroad. Same with UK PMs – even if somewhat muted.

“From the public image and diplomacy angle, bringing family members can soften a leader’s public image and aid in diplomatic relations by showcasing a relatable, family-oriented side.

“For some leaders, taking their children on such trips is a way of educating them about world affairs and different cultures.

“Others do it to maintain some semblance of family life, despite the demands of public office, and for security considerations.

“The Obamas, Clintons, Bushs, Trumps and others went on tons of foreign trips whilst in office with their families.

“We really need to stop majoring in minors in the name of castigating everything.”



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Posted by on Feb 28 2024. Filed under Headlines, Latest Politics, Raw Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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