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Presidency: What I told Tinubu’s wife after she asked me to campaign for her husband

residency: What I told Tinubu’s wife after she asked me to campaign for her husband

By Seun Opejobi

A former Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, presidential aspirant, Dele Momodu, has disclosed that Lagos Central Senator, Remi Tinubu urged him to campaign for the All Progressives Congress, APC, presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu.

Momodu said Tinubu’s wife made the appeal during an event in Lagos State.

The veteran journalist said Mrs Tinubu recalled his past relationship with the APC presidential candidate.

In an Instagram post on Friday, the veteran Publisher said he wouldn’t support Tinubu’s ambition, though he loves the APC presidential candidate.

Momodu explained that the “APC has done too much damage to Nigeria.”

He wrote, “Only two people, apart from the photographers, witnessed what happened between me and Senator Mrs Oluremi Tinubu yesterday, at the funeral service of Chief Mrs Kemi Nelson, at Archbishop Vining Memorial Church in Ikeja, Lagos. Before some people add salt and pepper to it, I need to state precisely what happened.

“Senator Tokunbo Abiru and Dr Tunji Olowolafe and I had walked in about the same time, and we went to greet my very dear Sister, Senator Mrs Oluremi Tinubu.

“Immediately she saw me, we exchanged our usual pleasantries, and then she asked me, “so Bob Dee, you’re not going to campaign for my husband,” I smiled and remained very calm before replying: “Your Excellency, I’m in PDP.

“She apparently didn’t find it funny and regaled us with the past I shared with her husband, and I tried to calm her down.

“Anyway, I went back to my seat and pondered on what just happened, and I soliloquised: “Before the PDP Primary, I had been asked repeatedly by journalists if I’ll dump PDP if I don’t get the ticket, my answer was NO. So if I had gotten the PDP ticket, would I step down for TINUBU of APC? The answer is No.”

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Posted by on Aug 27 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Latest Politics, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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