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Presidential Tribunal: Babatunde Fashola denies writing judgment, petitions Twitter to reveal fake news source

Babatunde Raji Fashola

By Jimisayo Opanuga

Former Minister of Works and Housing, Babatunde Fashola, has refuted allegations claiming his involvement in the drafting of the judgement for the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal (PEPT).

A Twitter user named Jackson Ude had alleged that Fashola and some lawyers of the All Progressives Congress (APC) were writing a judgement the ruling party intends to hand over to the judges.

Ude also alleged that Fashola supervised the rigging of the 2023 Presidential election in favour of President Ahmed Tinubu.

He added that Fashola had allegedly written the judgement for Judges in the 2019 Presidential election Tribunal that sealed former President Mohammadu Buhari’s victory.

In response, Fashola, through his spokesperson Hakeem Bello, condemned the allegations, describing those responsible as “agents of destabilisation.”

Fashola said the allegation is “entirely unfounded” and noted that he has been absent from Abuja for an extended period of time.

According to him, “These allegations may be part of a wider campaign to undermine the judiciary by those who seek to manipulate the institution for their own gain.”

Fashola, a former two-term Governor of Lagos State, said it is important to unmask the perpetrators and their sponsors and ensuring that they face the appropriate legal consequences.

He added that he has filed formal petitions against the offensive tweets and online reports with the management of X, formerly known as Twitter, and the National Communications Commission (NCC).

The former governor urged all relevant security agencies to treat this matter with utmost seriousness, as it strikes at the heart of judicial independence.

He called on members of the public to disregard these false allegations and asked them to report any individuals involved in spreading such dangerous fabrications to the relevant security agencies.


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Posted by on Aug 7 2023. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Headlines, Latest Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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