Home » Articles, Columnists, Onyemaechi Churchill » Princewill, Atiku Billboards and Issue Emanating

Princewill, Atiku Billboards and Issue Emanating

By Onyemaechi Churchill, Eleme, Rivers, Nigeria – Jan 29, 2011 – That Prince Tonye Princewill supports the Candidature of former Vice President, Alh. Atiku Abubakar, the turaki of Adawama State is no longer news. What is then news, one may like to question? Many may be unaware of the brain behind the political Billboards of Atiku Abubakar that adorn strategic locations in Port Harcourt of late.
The brainchild of these billboards as well as posters is no other person than Prince Tonye Princewill. This only son of the Kalabari King, Professor TJT Princewill believes so much in Atiku and would do anything within the ambits of law to ensure the election of the former Vice President. His decision to promote Atiku according to close sources is not far-fetch. When I was about to enter politics, it was Atiku that told me “if you want to be reckoned with in the politics of Nigeria do not Abuse Public Fund ” said Princewill.    
This, among other virtues which Atiku represents according to Princewill endeared him to Atiku, as he believes politicians are liars and corrupt but Atiku was an exception. He had on many occasions   posited that though Atiku had been accused, charged with all forms of corruption related cases but all to no avail, he still roots for him given Atiku’s political antecedents that has stood him in good stead.   
Recently the State security Service (SSS) allegedly on the order of the Presidency invited the Prince of Niger Delta Politics to explain why Atiku’s billboards and posters are exhaustively posted to the disadvantage of the incumbent’s. What has the SSS got to do with Atiku posters that are massively displayed? When did it become a crime to post political posters of opponent of the sitting President?   Is there any law that prohibits opponents of President Goodluck Jonathan from posting their posters?

Inference: it is possible the President is afraid of the rate at which Alh. Atiku Abubakar’s posters are posted or he wants to use the SSS to intimidate the Prince and others who support Atiku. If the later is the case, then the President has failed as the Prince cannot be stopped in any cause he believes so much.

If the President feels threatened by Atiku’s massive posters, he should in like manner start posting his posters instead of using the SSS to intimidate supporters of Atiku as alleged in some quarters.

It is still sketchy what transpired between the Prince and the SSS but time will surely reveal.

Churchill Onyemaechi, member, advocates for good leadership, wrote from Eleme, Rivers State.wp_posts

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