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Reactions trail death of medical doctor killed in Abuja train terror attack

Reactions trail death of medical doctor killed in Abuja train terror attack

Reactions have started trickling in following the death of Dr. Chinelo Megafum, who was a victim of terrorist attack on Abuja-Kafuna train on Monday night

Some celebrities who condemned the attack reacted via their social media handle. Some of them include:


Those same set of people that attacked the late Chinelo are the same set that attacked and trolled me when the police brutalized me. These are sycophants who are loyal only to their political gods. They care not for this country and have no conscience whatsoever left in them.


We complain about the old people in power! But we the young people how far? All she said was “PRAYER FOR ME” And some evil people carry am for head!???? Nigeria failed Chinelo, Nigerians mocked her. I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!????????????


May the soul of Dr Chinelo rest in peace. May God console her family and friends. May everyone who mocked her, played politics with her death or falsely accuse other people of vileness over this issue be eternally disgraced?


Dr. Chinelo was dying. In agony. The only thing she could do was use her phone. She trusted in the power & humanity of twitter to hear her cry. And all some people did was kill that last hope. They killed her as much as those terrorists did. They snuffed out what belief was left.


It’s sad the responses to Chinelo’s tweet after she tweeted she was shot during the attack on the Abuja-Kaduna train late Monday. Tweeps need to check themselves if they’re still human even behind their keypads!

Dr Megafu, a Dental Surgeon, graduated from the University Of Port Harcourt in 2016.


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Posted by on Mar 31 2022. Filed under Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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