Home » EFCC Politics, Headlines, Judiciary » ‘Resignation not enough’ – EFCC told to arrest ex-CJN, Tanko Muhammad immediately

‘Resignation not enough’ – EFCC told to arrest ex-CJN, Tanko Muhammad immediately

‘Resignation not enough’ – EFCC told to arrest ex-CJN, Tanko Muhammad immediately

By John Owen Nwachukwu

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, has been told to arrest former Chief Justice of Nigeria, Tanko Muhammad immediately.

This was after Muhammad resigned as the CJN on Monday, citing health issues.

Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria, HURIWA, said the resignation of Muhammad was not enough to clear him of corruption allegations levelled against him by the 14 justices of the Supreme Court.

In a statement signed by Comrade Emmanuel Onwubiko, HURIWA’s national coordinator, the group reminded Nigerians that 14 Supreme Court justices had recently petitioned Tanko and alleged diversion of their welfare funds.

Before his resignation, Tanko denied the allegations, but HURIWA, which had earlier asked the National Judicial Council and the Code of Conduct Tribunal to probe him over the weighty allegations by the justices, maintained that the retired CJN must not be allowed to walk away freely.

President Muhammadu Buhari has since sworn in Justice Olukayode Ariwoola as the acting Chief Justice of Nigeria.

And reacting to the development, HURIWA’s Onwubiko applauded the swift action of the President to have sworn in Ariwoola as the acting CJN.

He, however, said, “The resignation of Justice Tanko Muhammad as the Chief Justice of Nigeria is not enough; the EFCC and the ICPC must swing into action, investigate, then if a cause of acton is ascertained, then arrest and prosecute him over the corruption allegations levelled against him by the 14 justices of the Supreme Court if a prima facie evidence exists.

“Jistice Tanko must be prosecuted just as his predecessor, Walter Onnoghen, who was probed and later removed on a controversial note following some allegations against him which was probed by both the NJC and the CCT.

“The investigation and probable prosecution of Tanko, if indicted, will set a precedent that Buhari’s anti-corruption crusade is not a joke unless it is a joke.”

-Daily Postwp_posts

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Posted by on Jun 29 2022. Filed under EFCC Politics, Headlines, Judiciary. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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