Home » Headlines, Rivers, Sex and Relationship, State News » Rivers: Man, mistress hack wife for intruding into affair

Rivers: Man, mistress hack wife for intruding into affair

From Tony John, Port Harcourt

A man identified as Chima and his lover, whose identity could not be ascertained, reportedly inflicted severe machete cuts on his wife for “intruding” into their affair.

Daily Sun gathered that the incident occurred in Omerelu community, Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State, on Monday, after the victim asked her husband why he brought his girlfriend to their house.

The victim’s elder brother, Anayo Warisi, disclosed that, because of the degree of the wound inflicted on the sister, it was only the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) that accepted to admit her for treatment.

Warisi explained: “My sister’s husband brought in his female lover to the house. And the wife asked him why he would bring his female lover to the house. The two of them started beating his wife and the husband allegedly used a machete to cut her all over her body. But, that of the leg is more severe.

“My elder sister and brother took her to a hospital at Elele. She was rejected. The hospital said the wound is much and they took her to UPTH.”

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He called on the Rivers State Police Command to arrest the husband for attempting to murder their sister.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Basic Rights Protection and Accountability Campaign has called for a thorough investigation into the incident.

The secretary of the group in Rivers State, Mrs Gladys Oyenmwen, said whoever is found culpable in the course of the investigation should face the law.

She added that domestic violence under any guise has no place in society and should not be tolerated irrespective of who the perpetrator might be.

State Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Grace Iringe-Koko, a Superintendent of Police (SP), has confirmed the incident.

She added that the female lover of the woman’s husband was arrested by Elele Police Division through the effort of Commissioner of Police, CP Friday Eboka.

Iringe-Koko disclosed that the Commissioner of Police, CP Eboka, has ordered that the case should be transferred to the State Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Department (SCIID), Port Harcourt.


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Posted by on Aug 17 2022. Filed under Headlines, Rivers, Sex and Relationship, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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