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Road to 2023: Mammoth crowd as Labour Party flags off campaign in Nsukka

From Felix Ikem, Nsukka

The Labour Party (LP) in Nsukka, the Enugu North Senatorial District of Enugu State has flagged off its Gubernatorial Campaign in a bid to take over all elective positions in the district in 2023 in the presence of a mammoth crowd.

The gubernatorial Campaign Mega Rally which took place at Nsukka High School Field in Nsukka Local Government Area on Saturday had the Party members and supporters from all the six local governments that made up the senatorial district in attendance.

The party also received new members who defected from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and other parties in the state, under the aegis of G-7, led by Mr. Peter Odo, a retired Permanent Secretary In Enugu state and former Chieftain of PDP in Nsukka LGA.

Addressing the rally, the governorship candidate of the party in Enugu State, Mr. Chijioke Edeoga thanked the people of the senatorial district for their massive support and love for the party which he said manifested in their turnout for the rally.

He said that the mission of the party was to pull down the wall of corruption in the country and rescue Nigerians from poverty, stressing that the presidential candidate of the party Mr. Peter Obi, his vice, and all the candidates in the country had the capacity, integrity and track records to rescue the country.

“Nigerians will have a sigh of relief by God’s grace in 2023 when LP will take over the government of federal and states in this country,” he said.

He said if elected in 2023 he would change the narrative of serious decay in infrastructures, especially in the roads network where many communities have been cut off from the state capital.

The governorship candidate noted that the most hit in this infrastructural decay and bad roads is Enugu North district even though the incumbent governor of the state is from the area.

“If elected will clean the tears of the people from the district that has suffered neglect for many decades.

“Because of bad roads residents of Igbo-Etiti, among others in Enugu North district find it difficult and pay more money, to go to the state capital.

“Yes I am from Enugu East Senatorial District but Nsukka blood runs in me, I schooled in Nsukka, my parents lived in Nsukka and my wife is from Nsukka.

“I am happy over the huge crowd in this rally today which is eloquent testimony that the is massively supporting Labour Party to change the narrative in Enugu State in 2023,” he said

Also speaking, Mr. Uchenna Agbo, chairman of LP Enugu State, said that the party has come to rescue the state from backwardness, adding that the crowd witnessed at the rally is a demonstration of victory for the party.

“Labour party is here to rescue Enugu state from corruption backwardness, from kidnapping, from bad governance, from infrastructure decay if elected at all levels in 2023.

“Our mission is to restore the confidence of the people in governance with the provision of democracy dividends to all,” he said.

The chairman while receiving the new members to the party assured them that the party will carry them along and treat them equally in the affairs of the party.

Mr. Okey Ezea, the senatorial candidate of LP for Enugu North senatorial district said that the rally was an affirmation of victory for the party in the district and the state, in general, come 2023 given the mammoth crowd at the event.

He debunked the rumour making around the town and on social media that he had discussed and reached a private agreement with his main opponent, Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, who is the senatorial candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP), insisting that no amount of money will make him compromise his ambition.

“This rally today is an affirmation of victory for labour party in Enugu state, but unfortunately for private reasons, I do not have the energy to talk today, but I will talk another day.

“I want to leave you with one statement, there has been this propaganda going up and down that I had or that I have had a private discussion with governor Ugwuanyi, I want to show you people that I will never discuss Ugwuanyi even for 100 billion nairas.

“I have been discussing with Ugwuanyi since 2015 when I withdrew my case against him at the election tribunal and none of the discussion has yielded any return, I wonder what people will be expecting me to discuss with him this time around again,” he said.

Ezea who maintained that he will never succumb to blackmail urged his supporters and party members to ignore all the propaganda stories against him on social media, he directed them to deliver their political wards to the party in the 2023 general election.

Earlier in a remark, Chief Chidi Obetta, Chairman Central Planning Committee of the rally and Labour party candidate for Nsukka/Igbo-Eze South federal constituency, said that Labour Party will put an end to corruption in Enugu state.

He blamed the high cost of fuel in Nsukka on bad roads in and around Enugu North senatorial district, saying that LP will correct the wrongs of the past administrations.

Obetta thanked the party members and supporters for turning out in large numbers saying “this is a demonstration of love, support, and acceptance for the LP and her candidates in Nsukka zone, Enugu state and beyond.”

Mr. John Nwokeabia, Enugu State LP Deputy Gubernatorial Candidate, Chief Fidel Ayogu, Director general Edeoga-Nwokeabia Campaign Organization, Prince Emeka Mama, Enugu State Coordinator Obi-Datti Presidential Campaign Organization, candidates of LP in Enugu North district were among those present during the rally.


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Posted by on Nov 6 2022. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Enugu, Latest Politics, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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