Home » Headlines, Soccer, Sports » Samuel Eto’o agrees to pay his daughter €90,000 to avoid jail term

Samuel Eto’o agrees to pay his daughter €90,000 to avoid jail term

Samuel Eto’o agrees to pay his daughter €90,000 to avoid jail term

By Ernest Victor

Former Cameroon international, Samuel Eto’o will be extremely relieved right now as the legal tussle between him and his estranged daughter Erika do Rosario Nieves seems to be over.

In the 90s, when Samuel Eto’o, who is currently the president of the Cameroon Football Association, was playing for Spanish La Liga giants, Real Madrid, he met a lady known as Rosario at a nightclub in Madrid in 1998.

They started seeing each other and the relationship led to pregnancy but the legendary Cameroon footballer reportedly wanted the pregnancy to be terminated and allegedly accused the lady of being after his money.

However, the lady kept the pregnancy and Samuel Eto’o decided to abandon the lady with the pregnancy to continue with his football career. Even when the baby was born in 1999, the football icon allegedly refused to recognize her as his daughter and didn’t pay child support.

In 2018, Rosario took the case to court and the Spanish court confirmed that the lady in question who is now 24-year-old is the daughter of the four times African best player award winner.

Afterward, the girl took up the case in court challenging her father to pay up the arrears of the €1,400 per month in child support. She also asked the court to jail the football icon for 24 months after paying up the child support which has amounted to a total of €90,000.

To avoid the jail term, Samuel Eto’o had to stop defending the case in court and reached an agreement with his estranged daughter over the purported fee. And the agreement is said to be that the football icon would pay the said amount and Erika would close the case.

As of the time of filling in this report, Samuel Eto’o was yet to make any public statement on the details of the said agreement and has not publicly pronounced Erika do Rosario Nieves as his daughter.



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Posted by on Jul 13 2023. Filed under Headlines, Soccer, Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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