Home » Headlines, Soccer, Sports » Saudi Arabian authorities look the other way as unmarried soccer star, Ronaldo, lives with his partner against Saudi marriage law

Saudi Arabian authorities look the other way as unmarried soccer star, Ronaldo, lives with his partner against Saudi marriage law

Saudi Arabia bends marriage law for Ronaldo

Ronaldo and Georgina Rodriguez

By Biodun Busari

Saudi Arabia is reportedly prepared to bend its laws which disallow non-married couples to co-habit for Al-Nassr’s new player, Cristiano Ronaldo.

The 37-year-old Portuguese forward joined Al-Nassr and became the highest paid footballer in December 2022 following a mutual termination of his contract with the Premier League side, Manchester United.

Reports, however, revealed that Ronaldo and his partner, Georgina Rodriguez will be permitted to live together without punishment.

The five-time Ballon d’Or winner met Rodriguez in 2016 while plying his trade with Spanish giants, Real Madrid and they have lived together as marital partners but without marriage, having five children.

A source confirmed this, according to Daily Mail, on Friday that Ronaldo who moved to Saudi Arabia already living with his spouse may not be sanctioned by laws.

 Unmarried couples are forbidden to live together in Saudi Arabia.

Ronaldo and his partner also have their children – Bella, Alana, Cristiano Jr. and Eva and Mateo living with them.

Daily Mail reported that Ronaldo is unlikely to be punished due to his status as one of the most marketable athletes in the world.

According to the report which quoted two separate Saudi lawyers, the appropriate authorities are expected not to become involved in Ronaldo’s situation.

“Although the laws still prohibit cohabitation without a marriage contract, the authorities have begun to turn a blind eye and do not persecute anyone. Of course, these laws are used when there is a problem or a crime,” one of the legal practitioners said.

Daily Mail quoted the second one saying ”The Saudi Arabian authorities, today, do not interfere in this matter [in the case of foreigners], but the law continues to prohibit cohabitation outside of marriage.”


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Posted by on Jan 7 2023. Filed under Headlines, Soccer, Sports. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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