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Senate sends delegation to UK over Ekweremadu

Senate sends delegation to UK over Ekweremadu

Former deputy Senate president Ike Ekweremadu

By John Akubo, Abuja

The Senate on Wednesday agreed to send a high-powered delegation of lawmakers to the United Kingdom to see the former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu, who is facing an alleged case of an organ harvesting charge in that country.

Senate President Ahmad Lawan made the disclosure at plenary after the Upper Chamber emerged from a closed-door session, which lasted for about one hour.

Lawan said the delegation, which comprised of members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, will leave for London, the United Kingdom on Friday.

The Senate President also mandated the committee to engage the British High Commission in Nigeria to get more details on the case.

The Senate also commended the Nigerian High Commissioner to UK , Ishola Sharafa for his efforts so far since the beginning of the case.

He said the Nigerian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyeama, has been engaged for necessary diplomatic support to Ike Ekweremadu and his wife, Beatrice.

The Senate President said the red chamber decided to limit discussion on the case because the issue is already in court.

He, therefore, assured Ekweremadu’s family and Nigerians that the Senate will continue to engage the Foreign ministry and Nigerian High Commission in London on the case.

Lawan also urged all relevant government institutions, including the foreign ministry, to continue to provide the required support to the former deputy Senate President and his wife with a view to ensuring justice and fairness.

Former Deputy Senate President, Ike Ekweremadu was alleged to have been arrested in London by the Metropolitan Police’s Specialist Crime team last week.

Ekweremadu was arrested and remanded in custody alongside his wife, Beatrice Nwanneka Ekweremadu.

They were arrested for alleged organ harvesting of a minor in the UK on June 23rd, 2022 following an investigation by the Metropolitan Police’s Specialist Crime team.

They were expected to appear again at Uxbridge Magistrates’ Court in London on the 7th of next month for the continuation of the hearing.


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Posted by on Jun 30 2022. Filed under Latest Politics, Legislature, Senate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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