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Sit-at-Home: Why Simon Ekpa was arrested, released by Finnish Police

Sit-at-Home: Why Simon Ekpa was arrested, released by Finnish Police

By Chioma Gabriel, Anayo Okoli & Victoria Ojeme

Leader of IPOB Autopilot and Biafra separatist, Simon Ekpa, has been arrested by the Finnish Central Criminal Police.

Ekpa, a self-styled disciple of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the proscribed Indigenous People Of Biafra, IPOB, had been issuing threats to residents of Nigeria’s southeast.

The threats have since crippled economic activities in the region, as people became scared of making a living as a result of the threats.

Ekpa had insisted that there would be no elections in the southeast, asking the easterners to boycott the election or be dealt with.

But in a report which surfaced on social media yesterday afternoon, it was gathered that the Separatist has now been arrested by the Police in Finland.

“The Finnish Police has reportedly arrested the pro-Biafran separatist agitator, Simon Ekpa, over his threats of no elections in Nigeria.

“Ekpa had threatened that any person in the South-Eastern part of Nigeria who tried to participate or vote in the 2023 elections scheduled to hold on Saturday, February 25 would be ruthlessly dealt with.

“Ekpa was reportedly picked up from his apartment in the Lahti region of Finland by officers from the Finnish Central Criminal Police yesterday morning.”

Confirming the story yesterday, the Media Officer of the Finnish Embassy in Abuja, Ema Edem, said: ”Yes, the arrest of Simon Ekpa as reported in Helsingin Sanomat, a Finnish newspaper, is true.”

Reacting to the arrest, IPoB said it does not need to speak about someone who has been doing everything to destroy it.

The Media and Publicity Secretary of IPoB, Emma Powerful, said IPoB has no comment on the arrest of “somebody it has been saying is not working for its interest”. According to Powerful, “Whoever has a case should go and answer his case; IPoB has no business reacting to the arrest of somebody that has been working hard to destroy its name”.

Ekpa released after questioning

Meanwhile, Ekpa has been released by Police in Finland, hours after he was arrested and grilled yesterday, according to HS.

Earlier, Ekpa was escorted out of his apartment in Lahti by Finnish policemen.

He was later released after the police allegedly arrested him for a suspected crime.

The Finnish Central Criminal Police has now confirmed Ekpa’s release yesterday.

“The person being questioned today is suspected of a crime. We will return to the title on Friday,” Tommi Reen from the Central Criminal Police told HS during a phone interview.

Who’s Simon Ekpa

Simon Ekpa, a self-styled disciple of detained Nnamdi Kanu came into reckoning after the rendition of the IPOB leader.

During Kanu’s incarceration, Simon Ekpa was announced as the lead broadcaster of Radio Biafra, appointed to replace Nnamdi Kanu in Radio Biafra.

But shortly after, IPOB disengaged Ekpa, citing his refusal to sign the rules of engagement of Radio Biafra.

IPOB’s Spokesperson, Emma Powerful in a statement announced: “The global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, ably led by our great leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, has observed with regrets that Mazi Simon Ekpa whom our leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu gave an appointment and duty to start broadcasting on Radio Biafra doesn’t want to follow the laid down rules of operation in Radio Biafra.

“Mazi Simon Ekpa has refused to sign the rules of engagement and code of conduct guiding those broadcasting on Radio Biafra. We don’t understand why Mazi Ekpa would not like to follow the steps of other broadcasters on the platform who have since done the needful.


“IPOB is a big movement, and cannot just change the rules because of one individual as this may set a bad precedence. Mazi Simon Ekpa is a hardworking Biafran whose immense contributions towards the restoration of Biafra are highly appreciated, but for not signing the code of conduct as a broadcaster on Radio Biafra, he may not continue to have the opportunity of broadcasting via the platform.

“This decision was not intended to ridicule or undermine anyone but to prove to all that due process cannot be compromised in IPOB. IPOB is a well-structured movement where the activities of members are regulated with well-thought-out rules. No one should act in a way that suggests that the laws are meant for a certain group of people.“

“While Mazi Simon Ekpa has the right to make his broadcasts on Facebook and other platforms of his choice, he may no longer broadcast on Radio Biafra as one of the official broadcasters.”

Despite the announcement of his disengagement, Ekpa wouldn’t back down and ever since, has been at loggerheads with some leaders of IPOB and keeps magnifying the activities of the secessionist group through his social media platforms.

According to available records, Ekpa was born on March 21, 1985. He hails from Ohaukwu LGA, Ebonyi State. Aside from being a controversial agitator, he also identifies himself as a human rights activist, Finnish politician, lawyer, and CEO of Ekpa & Coy, an organization that provides legal services in immigration matters and asylum issues in Finland.

According to his LinkedIn profile, he holds a degree in law from Aberystwyth University, Wales. He also claims to be a doctoral student at the Academy of Business Management in Switzerland, also known as the Open University of Switzerland.

The LinkedIn profile further states that he was a post-graduate student instructor at the department of law and criminology.

He listed membership in two political positions in Finland. He claims to be a member of the transportation board at Lahti, Finland, and vice-chairman for building/construction works and the environment in the same region.

In October, he announced on Facebook that his candidacy for the regional government election under the National Coalition Party Kokoomus, a political party in Finland, has been approved.

Some online reports also profiled Ekpa as a personnel of the Finland military reserve and he has also boasted that his military training is “world-class”.

He is married with a child.


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Posted by on Feb 25 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Biafra, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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