Home » Governors, Headlines » Soludo apologises, vows to punish task force official who assaulted Odumeje

Soludo apologises, vows to punish task force official who assaulted Odumeje

Soludo apologises, vows to punish task force official who assaulted Odumeje


Anambra State Governor, Chukwuma Soludo, on Friday vowed to punish an official of the state’s task force for assaulting the General Overseer of The Mountain of Holy Ghost Intervention and Deliverance Ministry, Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere alias ‘Odumeje’ in the Onitsha area of the state.

A report published in Vanguard yesterday detailed how some parts of the building belonging to Odumeje was demolished demolished by officials of the Anambra State Task Force.

In the process of carrying out the demolition exercise, one of the task force official reportedly manhandled Odumeje, viral footages of the incident sparked a public outcry against the government.

Reacting to the outrage, Soludo in a statement posted on his Facebook page on Friday, reemphasized his commitment to upholding law, and order and respecting human rights in the state.

The statement reads, “Let me sincerely appreciate nd? Anambra for understanding with us as we take audacious steps toward making our Homeland Liveable and Prosperous. On this journey, imperfect steps will be taken, emotions will run wild and opinions will grow thick.

“What is pertinent to note is that we shall remain undaunted, correct our imperfections, strive to put our emotions in check and aggregate opinions that are in the interest of our overall good.

“Yesterday’s outing has evoked emotions, not against the decision of the government, but the imperfect and unprofessional manner with which one of the task force members discharged his lawful duty. This is highly regretted, and would never happen again.

“I have instructed that the task force personnel involved in the manhandling of Prophet Chukwuemeka Ohanaemere (Odumeje) be treated in accordance with the rules of public conduct which he roundly failed to uphold.

“We will continue to work to actualize the mandate you have given to us. Nothing short of the best outcomes is guaranteed. On behalf of the government and good people of Anambra State, I condemn the assault, and further ask for your continued support in the fight to restore the dignity of Onitsha, and indeed the totality of our Homeland.”


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Posted by on Jul 9 2022. Filed under Governors, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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