Home » Anambra, Governors, Headlines, State News » Soludo overwhelmed as wife ambushes him with surprise birthday party

Soludo overwhelmed as wife ambushes him with surprise birthday party

Soludo overwhelmed as wife ambushes him with surprise birthday party

By Joe Chukindi

Anambra State Governor, Prof Chukwuma Soludo on Thursday expressed surprise when his wife ambushed him with an unplanned birthday party.

DAILY POST learnt that Soludo’s wife in connivance with some members of the state executives organized a birthday party, which began with a Catholic mass, even without the knowledge of the governor.

An elated Soludo took to his Facebook page to thank God for the opportunity of another birthday, while also expressing surprise about the organisation of the celebration, without his knowledge.

Soludo said: “For the most part of my years of marriage, my wife has continued to pull a coup on me every 28th of July.

“Today(Thursday), as usual, Nonye in connivance with family, friends and members of the Anambra State Executive Council pulled another birthday surprise on me.

“I can only thank providence for yet another privilege of marking another birthday. I remember, in a special way, my age mates who have journeyed to the great beyond, and all those killed needlessly.

“It is my prayer that God accepts their souls in paradise and grant us the grace to ensure that their death is not in va?n.

”I celebrate our lives. I celebrate our State. I celebrate providence. I thank you all for the good wishes. I’ll be proceeding to the Nigeria Correctional Service, Awka custodial centre where I will be celebrating with the inmates.”

Soludo, a former Central Bank Governor and renowned Economist on Thursday marked his 62nd birthday.

-Daily Postwp_posts

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Posted by on Jul 28 2022. Filed under Anambra, Governors, Headlines, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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