Home » Africa & World Politics, Elections, Elections 2023 » Some Ghanaians attack President Akufo Addo for congratulating Tinubu on victory at 2023 polls

Some Ghanaians attack President Akufo Addo for congratulating Tinubu on victory at 2023 polls

‘ ‘ By Chukwuani Victoria

Nana Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana has come under heavy criticism after congratulating the All Progressives Congress (APC) Bola Tinubu for his victory in the just-concluded presidential election in Nigeria..

Naija News reports that President Akufo-Addo in a message to Tinubu posted via his verified Twitter handle on Friday extended a warm congrats to the former Lagos governor after defeating Peter Obi of the Labour Party and Atiku Abubakar of the People Democratic Party (PDP) in the Saturday general elections.

The message reads: “President-elect Bola Tinubu’s victory has ensured that the ruling APC Government has been given four (4) more years to continue in office, which, I am hopeful, will go a long way to enhancing the quality of governance, the rule of law and the performance of the Nigerian economy.

“The presidential candidates of the Peoples’ Democratic Party and the Labour Party, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi, respectively, are to be commended for their vigorous, well-fought campaigns.

“I am confident that their reactions to the results of the election will reinforce the boundaries of Nigerian democracy, and consolidate the peace and stability of Nigeria, Africa’s giant

“It is my expectation that the President-elect would continue in the stead of past Nigerian leaders, and deepen even further the strong friendship that exists between Nigeria & Ghana, which has been based on a shared agenda of freedom, dev’t, security, progress and prosperity.”

The congratulatory message has, however, sparked angry reactions from Ghanaians, with many distancing themselves from the message.

Kwesi wrote: ‘On behalf of the people of GH we deny ever having anything with this congratulatory message.. Thank you.’

Jorge_Burruchaga wrote: “Nigerians,this man is telling lies.. we’ve not sent him,neither is he our mouthpiece..infact disregard this congratulatory message.. it’s never from Ghanaians.”

Ansah wrote: ‘No Ghanaian has sent you to congratulate the winner of a rigged election.’

Lenny Makavo wrote: ‘I voted for you but i dont endorse this message as a Ghanaian. As a democrat who went to the Supreme court to claim your mandate, kindly allow others to seek theirs……. Unless you endorse everything that went into the electoral process in Nigeria.’

KOI wrote: ‘You must be sick for congratulating Tinubu. Was this the kind of election that brought you into power in Ghana? Well, maybe.’

@MikeTod11 wrote: ‘And we Ghanaians have no hand in this congratulatory message.’

KwasiDeuces wrote: “Mr Man please speak for yourself am not part of this your congratulations. please with all due respect sir”


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Posted by on Mar 4 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Elections, Elections 2023. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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