Home » Biafra, General Politics, Governors, Headlines, Kaduna, State News » Swear your hands are clean in Southern Kaduna ethnic cleansing – IPOB Tells El-Rufai

Swear your hands are clean in Southern Kaduna ethnic cleansing – IPOB Tells El-Rufai

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has tasked Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State to swear he is innocent about the election ethnic cleansing of non-Fulani communities in Southern Kaduna.

IPOB stated that no amount of cover-up would exonerate him from the genocide in Southern Kaduna.

The separatist group disclosed this as they berated El-Rufai for comparing IPOB with terrorist organization.

A statement by IPOB’s spokesman, Emma Powerful, reads: “We are the global movement and family of the indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB) under the command and leadership of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu. Our attention has been drawn to the laughable and shameful statement the midget of Kaduna State, Alhaji El’ Rufai where he compared the peaceful IPOB global movement with Fulani terrorists and bandits rampaging Southern Kaduna.

“It is not only provocative but a mischievous display of ignorance for El’ Rufai to compare freedom seekers with blood thirsty terrorists. El Rufai should stop playing to the gallery. No amount of cover-ups can exonerate him from the ongoing genocide in Southern Kaduna by Fulani bandits.

“He should cover his head in shame for admitting that he is paying the mass murderers in Kaduna State. He should know that he has a date at the ICC.”

IPOB also dared El-Rufai to name one terror it has committed.

“We challenge him to mention any act of terror committed by IPOB. Our only crime against El Rufai and his fellow mass murderers is that we refused to allow FULANI bandits any breeding ground in Biafra land.

“Malam El-Rufai should swear by Allah that he knows nothing about the ongoing ethnic cleansing of non-Fulani communities in Southern Kaduna and re-naming of their towns.


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Posted by on Dec 23 2021. Filed under Biafra, General Politics, Governors, Headlines, Kaduna, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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