Home » Boko Haram, General Politics, Muhammadu Buhari (1983-85), National Politics, Presidency, Top Stories » Terrorists threaten to kidnap Buhari, El-Rufai, kill Abuja-Kaduna train victims

Terrorists threaten to kidnap Buhari, El-Rufai, kill Abuja-Kaduna train victims

Terrorists threaten to kidnap Buhari, El-Rufai, kill Abuja-Kaduna train victims

By John Owen Nwachukwu

A terrorist group in the North West has threatened to kidnap President Muhammadu Buhari.

The terrorists made the threat in a fresh video where they were captured flogging some of their captives.

This threat is coming a few weeks after the convoy of Buhari was attacked in Katsina State.

In a new viral video, the daredevil terrorists, who recently attacked the Kuje prison in Abuja and freed their members locked up in the Correctional Centre, are threatening the country’s number one citizen and Governor Nasir El-Rufai of Kaduna State.

The terrorists, who kidnapped over 60 passengers of the Abuja-Kaduna bound train on March 28, are also threatening to kill those remaining in their captive and also boasting to destroy the country.

In the viral video, one of the terrorists said that unless the government complied with their demands, they would turn the area into an abattoir.

“This is our message to the government of Nigeria and just as you have seen these people here, by God’s grace, you will see your leaders; your senators and governors will come before us.

“These ones you are seeing here, we will keep some as our slaves and sell them off just as our Imam told you in the past,” he said.

“Just like the Chibok girls that were sold off, we will equally sell these ones as slaves.

“If you don’t adhere to our demands, we will kill the ones we need to kill and sell the remaining. By God’s grace, El-Rufai, Buhari, we will bring you here,” one of the terrorists further said in Hausa language.

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Posted by on Jul 24 2022. Filed under Boko Haram, General Politics, Muhammadu Buhari (1983-85), National Politics, Presidency, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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