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This is my fifth, worst marriage, I no longer eat her food – Mr. Ibu cries out

This is my fifth, worst marriage, I no longer eat her food – Mr Ibu cries out

By Racheal Ayodele

Famous Nigerian comic actor, John Ikechukwu Okafor, popularly known as Mr Ibu, has opened up on his family’s recent crisis.

Contrary to reports that the actor and his wife Stella had resolved their differences, his latest interview shows the seeming peace in their marriage is that of the graveyard.

Speaking in an interview with Saturday Beats, Mr Ibu said he doubts if he is still in the marriage.

“This is my final marriage. If this one falls apart, I won’t marry again. This is my fifth and the worst marriage because my wife embraces what is not obtainable. This feels like punishment and not marriage. I doubt if I’m still in the marriage because it seems she has already prepared her mind to leave, and I’m not going to stop her.

”I support her leaving. I begin to breathe erratically each time i see her, and it’s not healthy for me because I’m not ready to die.”

The actor also claimed that since his recent clash with Stella Maris, he finds it difficult to eat her food because he is sceptical about her motives.

“Since the recent incident, she has been so loving. But, I believe it’s all a pretence to get my attention. I still show her love, providing money for domestic needs and makes sure the family is fine. But, I am very sceptical. I cannot eat her food anymore. For now, I only eat from Jasmine’s kitchen. She cooks a lot, and I like eating.”

This is coming days after Stella, in a viral video, alleged that the actor and his adopted daughter, Jasmine were in an intimate relationship. After which, the trio reconciled barely 24 hours later and recorded a fresh video clip as a family.

-Daily Post


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Posted by on Feb 13 2023. Filed under Arts/Culture & Entertainment, Headlines, Nollywood (Film Industry), Sex and Relationship. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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