Home » Headlines » Tinubu is 86, not 70, says Tinubu’s wife’s cousin – not fit for presidency

Tinubu is 86, not 70, says Tinubu’s wife’s cousin – not fit for presidency

86-year-old Tinubu is my in-law, not qualified for presidency – TeeMac

Veteran flutist and former President of the Performing Musicians Association of Nigeria, Omatshola Iseli, popularly known as Tee Mac, has said All Progressives Congress presidential candidate, Bola Tinubu, is 86-year-old and not qualified to become president of Nigeria.

Tee Mac, who claimed Tinubu is his in-law argued that there was so much about the former Lagos State governor that was shrouded in secrecy.

The flutist stated this while reacting in a comment section of a writer, Yemi Olakitan, on Facebook, who had declared his support for Tinubu.

The artiste said it was important for an “intelligent person” to interrogate Tinubu’s candidacy.

He said, “Dear Yemi. Anybody can choose any candidate, but an intelligent person will ask himself the question: do I choose rightly? Is the man qualified? Is he honest? Does he tell us the truth about his age, background, and how he made his money?

Is this man healthy enough at 86 to take up the task of a totally run-down country?”

Tee Mac also revealed that he and Tinubu were related by marriage and that he stopped relating with him due to his role in the emergence of the President Muhammadu Buhari in 2015.

He said, “You see Tinubu is my in-law. His wife Remi is my cousin. Her Itsekiri mother and my Itsekiri mother are sisters. I have known Tinubu since the mid-80s personally and even arranged for him to stay in my stepfather’s house (Sir Mobolaji Bank-Anthony) in London when he went into exile.

“I stopped supporting him and stopped family visits etc when he sold that Buhari to the nation in 2015. My advice to the nation is that this man is absolutely not qualified to become our next president. Respectfully Tee Mac Omatshola Iseli.”




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