Home » National Politics, General Politics, Headlines, Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Top Stories » Tinubu meets Babangida behind closed-doors in Minna, Niger State

Tinubu meets Babangida behind closed-doors in Minna, Niger State

President Bola Tinubu met with former Military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, at his hilltop residence in Minna, Niger State.

The duos met behind closed doors after President Tinubu had left the venue of the inauguration of the agricultural mechanization projects executed by Governor Umar Bago, in Minna at the Hilltop residence of the former military leader.

Although details of the meeting are unclear, Vanguard gathered that the meeting lasted over an hour, bordering on the current situation in the country.

The meeting also had Governor Bago in attendance.

Speaking earlier at the flag-off of the agricultural mechanization revolution for food security and the commissioning of the remodelled domestic terminal of the Bola Ahmed Tinubu International Airport in Minna, the Tinubu appealed to state governments to adopt the wage award, saying that the National Executive Council (NEC) would also adopt it.

He said it is not in his character to blame past administrations for the socio-economic and security challenges in Nigeria, as he is committed to taking the right actions to re-engineer the finances of the country and stay on the right path to achieve progress.

President Tinubu said his concern is not to blame the past governments but to embark on the right reforms to set the nation on the path of prosperity.

He said, “When you read the papers, some of us are confused whether to abuse the present or the past (governments) or make excuses for the future.

“(It’s) not in my dictionary,” the President stated matter-of-factly, adding that his focus is to “take action now, do your best, re-engineer the finances of the country, and stay ahead of the right path.

“Those who may be complaining now have to understand that perseverance and consistency will make a nation great.”



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Posted by on Mar 12 2024. Filed under National Politics, General Politics, Headlines, Ibrahim Babangida (1985-93), Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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