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Tinubu told me he has nothing for north – Najaatu Muhammad

By afolabi

A former director in the presidential campaign council of Bola Tinubu, Najatu Muhammad, has revealed details of her discussion with the All Progressives Congress flag bearer when the duo met in London.

Recall that Najaatu resigned from her position on Saturday citing the APC led federal government’s inability to address the myriad of challenges confronting the country.

Muhammad announced her resignation in a letter addressed to the APC National Chairman, Abdullahi Adamu.

Speaking on her encounter with Tinubu, Muhammad said Tinubu lacks the mental and physical capabilities to lead a country like Nigeria that’s plagued by array of existential challenges on many fronts.

She disclosed that Tinubu was indifferent and insensitive to the plight of millions of northerners as he told her that there is nothing for the largely beleaguered region.

She further opined that the APC candidate will not throw his hat into the presidential ring if he was from the north.

She asserted that Tinubu’s presidential ambition and campaign is fueled by the well-oiled propaganda machine of the South West media.

“If you remove tribal sentiment, if you remove the Lagos/Ibadan press, if Tinubu were not a Yoruba man, he will not dare contest election because they will crucify him, but people are all there to defend him because he is Yoruba, it’s egbe omo Oduduwa over everything else.

“I was in the campaign for Yola, and we had to beg them to take the mic from him, everything about Tinubu is based on lies. Imagine he is an Hausa man, will he contest elections with all these gbese on top of him? In this campaign nobody should talk of corruption because they are corruption personified.”

I Have Nothing For The North

Mohammad, who disclosed she had not met Tinubu again since after she accepted the appointment to serve in his PCC, told The Whistler that the APC candidate had no plans for the North despite the myriads of problems confronting the region.

Recalling her London meeting with the APC candidate, Mohammad said, “I asked Tinubu, “What do you have for us in the north? He looked me in the face and said “Nothing.” I said, “Sir, you mean you have nothing for the north? The question of security, out of school children, agriculture, and many things like that, everybody in the northeast is waiting to be killed or kidnapped?


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Posted by on Jan 23 2023. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), General Politics, Latest Politics, National Politics, Party Politics, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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