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Tinubu’s academic records: U.S. Court reserves ruling in Atiku’s suit against Chicago State University

Tinubu’s academic records: U.S. Court reserves ruling in Atiku’s suit against Chicago State University

By Olugbenga Ige

Justice Nancy Maldonado of the District of Northern Illinois District has reserved a ruling in the case of Atiku Abubakar against the Chicago State University (CSU), seeking the records of President Bola Tinubu.

Recall that Atiku, the 2023 presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), had filed a fresh motion to challenge Tinubu’s plea for CSU not to release privileged documents in his academic records.

The president, through his lawyers, had asked Maldonado to delay the order of Judge Jeffrey Gilbert, a magistrate, that ordered the university to release his academic records to Atiku.

In their full briefing to the court seeking a review of Judge Jeffrey Gilbert’s order, Tinubu’s lawyers asked the judge to save him from suffering severe and irreparable damage by placing an emergency hold on a recent order for his university records to be released.

According to the President, the damage he would suffer would be impossible to mitigate if the order directing the release of his academic records to Atiku is not delayed for possible vacation.

Tinubu’s prayer was, therefore, granted by Judge Maldonado and a stay on the ruling of Magistrate Judge Gilbert was ordered, and the Judge decided to hear the application afresh.

Judge Maldonado then directed Tinubu’s lawyers to file papers on their client’s behalf not later than Monday, September, 25th, on why a subpoena should not be issued against CSU to release the documents.

Ruling on the case on Saturday, Judge Nancy Maldonado said she reserved the ruling following the deluge of emotional emails by interlopers, mounting pressure on the court.

The judge said, “Separately, the Court notes that Court staff has received extensive email communications from members of the public related to this case.

“The Court understands the significant public interest in this dispute, but the Court will not consider any third-party or ex parte submissions.

“Rather, the Court’s review will be limited to the parties’ briefing and the official record on the docket.”

The judge ruled that with all the submissions made, the date for the ruling will be communicated to all the parties.


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Posted by on Oct 1 2023. Filed under Latest Politics, National Politics, Top Stories. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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