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UK to ban Nigerian students, others from bringing family unless…

UK to ban Nigerian students, others from bringing family unless…

By afolabi

The United Kingdom has said it will ban International students from bringing their spouses and children to the country.

However, according to The Times (UK), there will be exception in cases where the students are studying “high-value” degrees.

Degrees considered important to the UK government include science, maths, and engineering

The report said UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and Suella Braverman, the home secretary, are becoming increasingly worried after a near-eightfold rise in the number of family members joining foreign students.

The UK permits dependants to accompany their spouses or parent(s) who have a valid student visa.

In 2022, Nigerians accounted for the highest increase in the number of dependants accompanying persons with study visas for the year.

Nigerian nationals also accounted for the largest increase in sponsored study grants compared with 2019, increasing by 57,545 (+686%) to a record high of 65,929, making them the third largest nationality group in the latest year.

The Times reported that the new immigration figures revealed that 490,763 students were given visas last year.

They were accompanied by 135,788 dependents — spouses and children –up from 16,047 in 2019.

Foreign students would also be banned from bringing families unless they are studying at a higher level, such as a master’s degree or PhD, the report added.

However, universities and members of parliament from all parties criticised the proposals, pointing to research suggesting that foreign students contribute £35 billion a year to the economy.

The development is the latest in Braverman’s “aspirations” to restrict migrants from entering the UK.

Recall that the home secretary had announced that it will be reforming the graduate visa route.

Under her proposal, foreign students would have to obtain a work visa by getting a skilled job or leave the UK within six months after the end of their studies.


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Posted by on Feb 25 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines, United Kingdom (UK). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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