Home » Elections, Elections 2023, Headlines, Party Politics, Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP) » We are making progress – Labour Party campaign council speaks on inspection of electoral materials

We are making progress – Labour Party campaign council speaks on inspection of electoral materials


‘ By paulcraft

The Obi-Datti Presidential Campaign Council has revealed that the ongoing inspection of electoral materials by its lawyers at the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) is progressing.

The spokesman for Obi-Datti PCC, Yunusa Tanko, revealed on Tuesday that the party’s legal team had begun gathering some relevant information from the materials supplied.

According to him, there is progress because the team has started collecting some relevant documents at the INEC office.

Remember that the Labour Party promised on Monday that it would protest at all INEC offices across the country if the commission did not grant its legal team access to the electoral materials used in the presidential and national assembly elections.

However the party’s meeting on Monday with the Chairman of INEC Prof. Mahmood Yakubu yielded positive results as the commission granted access for the inspection.

Yakubu promised that the commission would provide the legal team with access to the materials and a timeline for the inspection.

Giving updates on how far the inspection has gone, Tanko told The Punch that;

Of course, we are having some level of progress. No matter how the case may be, at least, we have started collecting some documents from INEC, which will help our case. The situation of Nigeria is such that if anybody lies, he will look for another lie to cover it tomorrow. By the third day, he must get another to defend himself. In the process of looking for falsehood to cover up, you will make mistake and the truth will come out. It is a clear-cut decision. Isn’t it then better to come out and say the truth in order to sleep well after that?

If I can use the words of the INEC chairman, he said ‘We will give you a schedule of how we want to completely conduct this particular process.’ It is not a one-off thing. But he promised that he will give us all the support we require for us to prosecute our case. That was exactly his words that I just used.

At this particular point, the most important thing is for us to start with something. Other supporting documents can be coming in as we continue to conduct our investigation so that we don’t miss the timeline of having the case in court in the first place. Already, we have lost a lot of time as regards the issue of getting the documents that we required. Ordinarily, we ought to go and get all the information from the state chapters to know exactly the quantum of damage done to the minds of the Nigerian people. In truth, they have destroyed the minds of Nigerian youths.


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Posted by on Mar 15 2023. Filed under Elections, Elections 2023, Headlines, Party Politics, Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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