Home » Headlines, Sex and Relationship » “We are tired of sneaking around” – Neighbours exchange their wives after falling in love with each other’s spouse (Video)

“We are tired of sneaking around” – Neighbours exchange their wives after falling in love with each other’s spouse (Video)

Two married men have narrated the reason they exchanged their wives legally without any fight or complaint.

According to the video shared by AfrimaxEnglish on YouTube, Christopher and Kelvin were neighbours who became friends.

They constantly visited each other until they started falling in love with each other’s spouse.

Christopher fell in love with Kelvin’s wife, Immaculate while Kelvin fell in love with Christopher’s wife Lilia.

At first, they were sneaking around with each other before they came to an understanding and decided to exchange wives.

The Government approved the exchange and everything became legal. The wives went to their new man with the children.

The exchange made them happier because they didn’t have to be sneaking around anymore.

Reacting to this, Amundan Marline said; “Thank you for this signal, the red card.”

Joan L said: “They are insane, totally insane.”

Nicholas commented: “I’m a Christian, that role wasn’t set by society, that was set by God not to covet your neighbor’s wife. Literally what it says in Exodus chapter 20 verse 17.”

Sassy72 reacted: “We do need to follow God’s rules, first, but he’s right not always conforming to society.”

Sophia Cherrington reacted: “They will be burned in hell if they continue with foolishness, they play with marriage and God sets the rules in marriage not us.”

Blessing Rasak reacted: “Better than fight. Since they are happy about it, it’s no one concern.”

Cher 007 said: “God’s rule is the only rule.”

Bucie Maphosa said: “Thy isn’t a way.”

Chansa Jonathan reacted: Are they playing, what playing is this? Is it okay to exchange wife, Noo.”

W. K commented: “AIDS in the corner.”

Teresita reacted: “Craziness indeed.”

Adra Paris said: “I love Africa.”

Watch the video below:

In other news, a Nigerian woman has been asked to mourn her ex-husband who left her 20 years ago to marry another woman for 40 days.

According to the lady who shared the story on Facebook, the lady who is her children’s nanny told her the ex-husband’s family has asked her to mourn him for 40 days after he passed on recently.

The ex-husband was said to have left his wife 20 years ago for another woman and also welcomed children with the other woman.

According to the family, the ex-wife is supposed to stay indoors while his children should provide the money for the funeral.

“Our Nanny came today and told me she lost her ex-husband. Emphasis on the EX. He left her and her 3 little kids 20 years ago and followed/married another woman.

“The matter be say she suppose observe the 40 days mourning

She is expected to stay home for a WHOLE 40days as per mourning period for a man wey leave an more than 20 years ago. And her kids are to supply burial funds unto say new wife kids are still young.”



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Posted by on Jun 5 2023. Filed under Headlines, Sex and Relationship. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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