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What Nigerians should expect in 2023 – Tinubu

What Nigerians should expect in 2023 – Tinubu

Bola Tinubu

Presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress, APC, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu has said that Nigerians should expect to see a demonstrated thinking capacity and an outstanding performance.

Tinubu stated this while speaking with newsmen shortly after he arrived at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja on Thursday.

The APC presidential candidate, who expressed excitement to be back in Nigeria, reiterated that now more than ever, he is ready to serve as Nigeria’s President.

He stated, “Nigerians should expect a very intelligent ability to think and perform.

“Nigerians should expect that the help they needed is here, the hope that is almost jittering is back and back actively.

“And we hold every effort to the country of patriotism, dedication, capacity and ability to do the job. Not negative thinking, not the fact that Nigeria has failed; this country is the greatest.

“If it is to rebuild, we are builders; if it is construction, we are constructors.

“If it is assurance, we give Nigerians the assurance that we definitely make a better country out of it all,” Tinubu asserted.

Recall that Tinubu’s trip to abroad generated controversies in the country.

Prior to Tinubu’s arrival, spokesperson of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential campaign council, Festus Keyamo said the party has every right to campaign on the records of its presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, in Lagos state.

Keyamo made this assertion in an interview with Channels TV while speaking on Tinubu’s whereabouts and delay in the APC presidential campaign launch.

“We have every right to campaign with the records of Lagos state,” he stressed.


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Posted by on Oct 8 2022. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), Elections, Elections 2023, Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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