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“Who says there are no beggars in Canada, USA, or UK”- NIS to Nigerians


By Davies Ngere Ify

The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) has warned Nigerians about the hazards of illegal migration in order to prevent them from wasting their future.

Mr. Isah Jere, the Comptroller-General of Immigration, issued the warning at a news conference in Abuja on Thursday.

Mr. Tony Akuneme, the NIS Public Relations Officer, represented Jere, who stated that the service was committed to educating Nigerians about the consequences of unauthorized migration.

“A lot of people want to travel without knowing what they are going to do or where they are going exactly.

“People are being brainwashed by agents of irregular migration and you think life is better on the other side.

“Who says there are no beggars in Canada, USA, or UK?

“There are beggars and homeless people in these countries you are rushing to,” he said.

The NIS boss stated that one could travel if they have a legal employment waiting for them, admittance into school, or any other concrete legal means of survival.

“If the young people are told that the Libya they are going to is not better than Nigeria, that will at least give them a rethink.

“You can’t be excited going to a country you know nothing about”, he said.

According to him, some of the young people rushing out don’t even use the Nigeria passport issued to them.

“So what’s the point in getting a document that you don’t need and putting pressure on the system?” he asked

The CG requested the media to assist in informing citizens about the hazards of illegal migration.


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Posted by on Nov 28 2022. Filed under Headlines, Nigerian Immigration Service (NIS). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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