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Why I dumped PDP, withdrew from Presidential race – Peter Obi

Why I dumped PDP, withdrew from Presidential race – Peter Obi

John Alechenu, Abuja

• hints of possible move to another party

Former Anambra State Governor, Peter Obi, has dumped the Peoples Democratic Party. He also announced his withdrawal from the race for the party’s presidential ticket.

Director General of the Peter Obi Presidential Campaign Organisation, Dr. Doyin Okupe, made this public after submitting a copy of Obi’s resignation letter to the PDP National Secretariat, Abuja, on Wednesday.

Okupe noted that his aspirant took the decision following recent happenings within the party.

Obi had in the latter titled: “Resignation From Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and Withdrawal from the Presidential Contest,” which he addressed to the PDP National Chairman, Sen. Iyiochia Ayu, dated May 24, 2022, said he had already notified the party Chairman at the ward level.

He wrote, “I am writing to intimate you of my resignation from the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), which was conveyed to the Chairman of Agulu Ward 2. Anaocha LGA

“Anambra, effective Friday 20 May, 2022. Consequently, am by this letter informing you of my withdrawal for the PDP Presidential Primaries.

“It has been a great honour to contribute to nation-building efforts through our party. Unfortunately, recent developments within our party make it practically impossible to continue participating and making such constructive contributions.

“Our national challenges are deep-seated and require that we each make profound sacrifices towards rescuing our country. My commitment to rescuing Nigeria remains firm, even if the route differs.

“I wish to thank you personally for your graciousness and leadership. I wish you well and best of luck in the service of country.“

Although he gave no reason for his action, it was gathered that the decision of the national body to address the concerns of his supporters in Anambra State before the party’s delegate election was largely responsible.


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Posted by on May 26 2022. Filed under Latest Politics, Peoples' Democratic Party (PDP). You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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