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Why my daughter gave her savings to Peter Obi – Onyebuchi

19 year-old Covenant Onyebuchi giving her life savings her to Labour Party presidential candidate, Peter Obi in Enugu

By Benson Ezugwu

Mr Denis Onyebuchi has explained why Covenant his 19 year old girl gave her life savings as campaign donation to Peter Obi, the Labour Party, LP presidential candidate.

Covenant caused a stir after handing an undisclosed amount of money to the LP candidate on Tuesday in Enugu as her contribution to his campaign.

But explaining the reason for her daughter’s action, Onyebuchi told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Enugu on Wednesday that his daughter received divine instruction to give the money to any good humble man who would commit it to her future.

“My daughter has been saving the money and when I enquired from her why she was saving, she told me that she received divine instruction to give the money to any good and humble man.

“A good and humble man who will be committed to affecting her future positively,” he said.

Onyebuchi, who is currently a medical student of the Enugu State University of Technology (ESUT), said his daughter had been a dedicated christian, who belonged to Scripture Union during her time in Secondary School.

“Covenant is very humble; very prayerful and a committed christian.

“So, when she heard that Peter Obi was in the neighborhood, for an interview at the Urban Radio around our house, she told me she was going to give Obi the money.

“And before I moved to join her, she was already on her way to meet Obi,” he said.

-PM Newswp_posts

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Posted by on Jul 15 2022. Filed under Headlines, Labour Party (LP), Party Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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