Home » Biafra, General Politics » Why terrorists attacked Kuje prison – IPOB

Why terrorists attacked Kuje prison – IPOB

By afolabi

The Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, has revealed why terrorists attacked correctional facility in the Kuje area of Abuja.

Recall that gunmen believed to be Boko Haram members had invaded the Kuje prison on Tuesday with heavy weapons and explosives.

The terrorists had released all their members incarcerated in the facility

Reacting to the attack on Thursday, IPOB alleged that the attack was targeted at its members detained in the facility.

IPOB in a statement by its spokesman, Emma Powerful, said the attack was a plot by terrorists to eliminate members of the group incarcerated in the facility.

Powerful warned that IPOB would not take it easy with the Nigerian Government if anything happens to members of the group incarcerated in the Kuje facility.

A statement by Powerful reads partly: “We the global family of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) under our great leader Mazi Nnamdi Kanu wish to draw the world’s attention to the Nigeria Government and its security agencies, especially the Army and DSS agents’ instruction to the bandits rampaging the North to attack the Kuje correctional centre in Abuja.

“The Nigeria security agencies, especially the military and DSS agents in a covert action detailing a systematic strategy to eliminate IPOB members detained in Kuje prison and yesterday’s attack has confirmed our earlier intel.

“We want to let the world know that IPOB members were profiled and detained in Kuje prison yards for simply being persons indigenous to Biafra and of Igbo race.

“We have their details and want them alive because if anything untoward happens to our comrades who are detained in Kuje, IPOB will never take it easy with Nigeria Government and her security agencies.

“It is high time to release these innocent folks who were detained illegally and unjustly, Nigeria cannot continue to detain them indefinitely while allowing terrorists and bandits to come and slaughter them under disguised arrangements by the Buhari-Fulani administration.”


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Posted by on Jul 7 2022. Filed under Biafra, General Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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