Home » Cross River, Headlines, Sex and Relationship, State News » Woman dies in car crash while chasing husband, ‘side chick’

Woman dies in car crash while chasing husband, ‘side chick’

By Ike Uchechukwu, CALABAR

• She died for over-speeding – Sector Commander

The Sector Commander, Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), in Cross River, Maikano Hassan, has confirmed a lone incident that killed a middle aged woman in Calabar on Sunday who was in a hot chase of her husband over his “mistress.”

The Sector Commander who spoke with the Vanguard Sunday night , said the incident was caused by over speeding.

He said the incident involving a Toyota Highlander which occured on the Muritala Mohammed Highway in Calabar claimed the life of the lone female driver who veered off the road into a ditch by the road.

His words :”Though the woman was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, but she was said to have died few minutes later due to the injury sustained from the incident.”

Vanguard gathered that the woman was said to be in pursuit of her husband who was alleged to be with a “side chick” in his car when she lost control of her vehicle , killing herself in the process.

A source who didn’t want her name in print told Vanguard that woman sighted her husband leaving SPAR shopping Mall in the company of another female when she tried to block her husband’s car with the Toyota Highlander she was driving in.

“Her husband was said to have maneuvered his vehicle out of the attempted blockade then took the Murtala Muhammed highway, with his wife is serious pursuit.

“In a bid to outrun her husband, she lost control of the speeding vehicle, veered off the road and slammed the vehicle, head long, into a tree, damaging the vehicle beyond repairs and also killing herself,” the source revealed.


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Posted by on Sep 19 2022. Filed under Cross River, Headlines, Sex and Relationship, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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