Home » Africa & World Politics, American Politics, Headlines » Woman who killed Nigerian mother of four in Ocala, Florida, has history of harassing children – Neighbours

Woman who killed Nigerian mother of four in Ocala, Florida, has history of harassing children – Neighbours

By Biodun Busari

The woman who fatally shot Ajike Owens, the Nigerian mother of four in a housing complex, in Ocala, Florida on Friday has a history of harassing children in the neighbourhood, according to her neighbours.

The killer woman who has been detained in the Marion County Jail, identified as Susan Louise Lorincz, was also accused of using racial slurs against children.

Lorincz was arrested on Tuesday on charges of manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, battery and two counts of assault, according to Marion County Sheriff’s Office.

Manslaughter with a firearm is a felony punishable with up to 30 years in prison.

CBS reported that the neighbours told the police on Wednesday, adding that they had gunshots at the front door in Ocala on Friday night.

Vanguard reported that Owens, a 35-year-old mother of four was shot dead in the presence of her son while trying to retrieve his iPad.

The Marion County Sheriff’s Office in a statement said Owens had approached Lorincz’s home, knocked on the door multiple times, and demanded that Lorincz come outside to settle a dispute.

The report further said at least two of Owens’ children witnessed when Lorincz, a 58-year-old woman shot their mother.

Owens’ civil rights attorney Ben Crump and the grieving family have criticised the pace of the investigation, as neighbours recalled the times they said the suspect recorded their children, taunted them with slurs, called the police and waved guns at them.

A neighbour, Franklyn Colon said Lorincz stuck her middle finger up at him when he was playing in a field with his son and other children hours before the gruesome murder of Owens.

Colon, who added Owens was the first person to warn him about Lorincz when he moved to the neighbourhood about two years ago, said the suspect started recording and screaming “all kinds of nonsense towards me, towards the kids, towards everyone else.”

Another neighbour, Phyllis Wills, who has lived in the area for about 15 years, said she knew Lorincz “because she used to come outside all the time and harass our kids.”

“Everybody in this neighbourhood has feuded with this lady over our children,” Wills added.

She said Lorincz had a problem with children simply being children, CBS said.

“Our kids used to play in the field over there all the time. It’s an apartment complex. These are children who, you know, they’re, they’re going to do things.

… Every time they’ve went even in the patch of grass over there, she would be like, ‘Get off of my lawn, you b—-or you retards or you N-word.’ She would wave guns at them,” Wills said.


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Posted by on Jun 10 2023. Filed under Africa & World Politics, American Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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