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Yobe Govt approves N9.2bn for capital projects

Gov. Mai-Mala Buni of Yobe

By Ahmed Abba

Gov. Mai Mala Buni has approved N9.2 billion for the execution of various capital projects in the state.

Alhaji Abdullahi Bego, the Commissioner for Home Affairs, Information and Culture announced to newsmen after the council meeting in Damaturu.

“The meeting ratified total spending of N8.9 billion for on-going projects and N232.7 million for new ones.

“The total sum approved by the council stands at N9.2 billion,’’ Bego said.

Giving a breakdown of the spending, the commissioner said N1.2 billion was ratified for the construction of a 12-kilometre double coat surface-dressed Damagum-Gubana road in Fune Local Government area.

The sum of N1.9 billion was approved for the construction of the 16-kilometre Nguru-Balanguwa Asphalt road in Nguru Local Government area while N299.9 million was set aside for the reconstruction of the damaged portion on the Nguru Irrigation Scheme Phase I.

Similarly, N397.4 million was approved for the construction of the 1.5-kilometre road and 3.0-kilometre concrete drain linking Mallummatari-Gujba road dual carriageway, Damaturu.

Bego added that the council also approved N232.7 million for the extension of electricity to Yobe International Cargo Airport, Damaturu, the rehabilitation of 33KVA ITC line from Damaturu to Kalallawa and provision of power transformers.

Other capital projects ratified by the council included N329.3 million for the supply of project vehicles, customised tricycle ambulances, customised bags and HIV rapid test kits.

Rehabilitation of the midwife quarters at Primary Healthcare Centre (PHC) Ashekeri in Gaidam Local Government area among other projects was also approved.

Bego also reported that Gov. Buni commended the Exco members for their individual and collective efforts in moving the state forward.

He said despite lean resources and the COVID-19 challenge, Yobe Government continues to record remarkable and measurable progress.



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Posted by on Sep 3 2020. Filed under Latest Politics, State News, Yobe. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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