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Yobe: Insurgency has gulped N15bn – Gov.


Yobe State Governor, Alhaji Ibrahim Gaidam has urged residents who fled the state at the heat of the insurgency to return home, assuring them of adequate safety and security.
The governor also said there is no area in the state under the control of Boko Haram, adding that the war against insurgency in that state has gulped over N15 billion from 2011 till date.
The governor disclosed this yesterday at the Government House, Damaturu when members of the Nigerian Ports Authority’s (NPA) Committee on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) visited him to present relief materials to ameliorate the sufferings of those affected by the terrorists’ activities in the state.
Gaidam, who was represented at the reception by the Secretary to the State Government (SSG), Alhaji Baba Malam Wali noted that the state collaborated with the military, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and other stakeholders to achieve the peace it is enjoying today.
“We worked with and assisted the military, NEMA, Red Cross etc. We also assisted those affected by bomb blasts and gunshots during the battle against insurgency.
We’ve spent over N15 billion since the insurgency started between 2011 till date. But, the good thing is that Yobe is now safe and we’re preparing resettle those that were displaced.
“We want them to move back and we’re awaiting the clearance of military to do that,” Wali stated.
Also speaking at the meeting, the Representative of the Committee, Mallam Isah Suwaid, who led other members said the donations were part of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Authority. He assured that such gestures will be regular.
In a related development, the military has said it will close markets in Borno, Yobe where Boko Haram trades.
Acting Director of Army Public Relations, Col Sani Usman said the traders engage in illegal commercial activities such as trading and smuggling especially during late hours.


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Posted by on Feb 11 2016. Filed under Boko Haram, Headlines, State News, Yobe. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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