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Yoruba scholars meet in Ogun; send message to Igboho

A conference of Yoruba has urged Sunday Igboho and others pushing for secession to take things easy and see it from broader perspectives.

The conference, which had in attendance Yoruba scholars and traditional rulers, was led by Professor of History, University of Texas, Austin, Toyin Falola.

The Yoruba leaders and scholars met at Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, on Monday, for the sixth Atanda lectures and conference on Yoruba culture and society.

Speaking at the event Prof. Falola stated that what Nigeria needs was the decentralization of power to allow the six geopolitical zones in the country to have the autonomy to function.

He said decentralization would solve most of the problems, including the insecurity facing the country.

Falola said, “The Yoruba are angry, the Igbo are angry, so, how to minimise and reduce the anger is what we should find a solution to.

“At this time, the best advice one can give is decentralization and autonomy in various regions.

“I don’t think separation is the best way to go, but seeking better autonomy in these regions is a better option.”

Olutayo Adeshina, another professor of history, in his submission advised the agitators for the Yoruba nation to think things through.

He said “Those who are pushing for it, I will say let us take it easy and see it from broader perspectives because here, the structure of Nigeria is skewed; it is imbalanced and it is also not right. Yes, we have the right to agitate; I will say let us take it easy.

“If we agitate and try to secede, move away, what is the benefit of it? What is the cost of taking Yoruba out of Nigeria? Is it going to be done peacefully?

“You have to do this thing very clinically; you must get your parameters right; is it going to be peaceful? If it is going to be peaceful, Okay, if it is not going to be peaceful, what is the cost to us as a people and as a society?

What is the cost on our infrastructure? A lot of things must be done carefully and well-calibrated.”

The Orangun of Oke-Ila, Osun State, Oba Abolarin Adedokun, also called for patience and tolerance among the tribes and ethnic groups in the country.

The three-day conference on Yoruba culture and society had many national and international scholars on Yoruba and culture as speakers, including a foremost private art collector in Africa, Prince Yemisi Shyllon; Director of African Studies Institute, University of Georgia, USA, Akinloye Ojo, and Professor Arinpe Adejumo of the University of Ibadan.

-PM News


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