Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » You people tried to ‘kill me’ several times with pepper soup – Outgoing French Ambassador to Nigerians

You people tried to ‘kill me’ several times with pepper soup – Outgoing French Ambassador to Nigerians

You people tried to ‘kill me’ several times with pepper soup – Outgoing French Ambassador to Nigerians


By Justina Otio

The outgoing Ambassador of France to Nigeria, Emmanuelle Blatmann has spoken on her experience with indigenous food during her time in the country.

Blatmann, who is set to take up a new role as the director for Africa in Paris, hilariously revealed that she won’t be missing the Nigerian pepper soup.

Pepper soup is an indigenous Nigerian meal with a watery texture, mainly made from different animal proteins and a healthy amount of spices.

Speaking to journalists ahead of her departure, Blatmann disclosed that she would miss the country’s weather, people, music, and other food aside from pepper soup.

She lamented jokingly that Nigerians tried to kill her several times with the amount of spice in pepper soup.

The ambassador, however, expressed her love for jollof rice, moi moi and puff puff.

According to her, “I will be very honest with you and blunt, I will not miss the pepper soup because it’s too peppery. You people tried to kill me several times.

“I will be eating all sorts of things with my eyes red and crying, I have smoke coming out of my ears. I am exaggerating but honestly, why do you put so much pepper? In the North, it’s better but in the South West, my God!

“But I like the jollof rice, I like the moimoi and the puff-puff. I will miss the climate, I will miss the love of the people, I will miss the sense of humour, the laughter, the music, the dancing, I dance a lot, I will miss a lot”


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Posted by on Jan 13 2024. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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