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You’re ‘irresponsible’ – APC Senator, Abbo blasts Tinubu over Muslim-Muslim ticket, leaves support group

By afolabi

Ishaku Abbo, the senator representing Adamawa North, has decried the decision of the All Progressives Congress (APC) presidential candidate Bola Tinubu to pick a Muslim as his running mate.

Tinubu, on Sunday, announced Kashim Shettima, a serving senator representing Borno central and ex-Borno governor, as APC vice-presidential candidate Abbo said it was thoughtless, reckless and inconsiderate for Tinubu to place his political ambition over the stability and peace of Nigeria.

Abbo has since resigned his membership of a Tinubu support group over the Muslim-Muslim ticket of the APC.

“For Tinubu now to be given the ticket and turn around to do what he couldn’t achieve in 2015 despite opposition from Catholics and other Christian leaders is extremely irresponsible,” the federal legislator added.

He lambasted Tinubu for not following the foot steps of the opposition concerning his vice-presidential ambition and how President Muhammadu Buhari opted for a Christian running mate in 2015.

“Buhari fought a civil war and understands the consequences of a divided nation. When Tinubu wanted to be VP in 2015, Buhari said no because he understood the importance of unity,” explained Abbo.

Abbo disclosed how he met with a support group in Abuja in search of a running mate for Mr Tinubu. The group concluded that Tinubu should not pick a Muslim as his running mate for the 2023 presidential election.

“We sat down in Abuja and strategised, and we concluded that he should not take a Muslim as running mate. He (Tinubu) threw away the report. My conscience will not allow me to campaign for Tinubu. I am a member of CAN; I cannot deny CAN.

I remain in APC. But I will take the survival of my country first over political considerations,” People’s Gazette quoted Abbo as saying

He added, “We cannot work for such a man. I will oppose (a) Christian-Christian ticket because I am invested in the stability of this country. A Christian-Christian ticket will be insensitive to Muslims of this country. The country is evenly divided among Muslims and Christians. So any government that is Muslim-Muslim will be illegitimate and will never gain the respect of Christians.”

Meanwhile, Bola Tinubu Campaign Headquarters spokesman Bayo Onanuga did not immediately respond to a request seeking his comments on Abbo’s statement.


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Posted by on Jul 11 2022. Filed under All Peoples' Congress (APC), Elections, Elections 2023, Latest Politics, Legislature, Party Politics, Senate. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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