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Zamfara gets N100m Hospital equipment

Zamfara State Governor, Dauda Lawal, on Thursday received medical equipment and supplies donation worth over N100 million from a Kano-based firm.
The items were presented to the Governor at the Government House, Gusau, by the Managing Director of Minjirya Health Services Limited, Alhaji Mustapha Falaki.
A press statement by the Governor’s Spokesman, Suleiman Bala Idris, explained that the gesture was to support and improve healthcare service delivery in the state in line with the administration’s commitment to overhauling its health system.
Some of the items donated include suction machines, dental chairs, delivery beds, hot air ovens, diathermy machines, sterilizer machines, an automatic haematology analyzer, major surgical sets, defibrillators, pulse oximeters, ward screens, ultrasound machines, an electro cardiology machine and theatre beds, among others.
Receiving the items, Lawal expressed gratitude to the company and described healthcare as a major issue in Zamfara State.
He said, “it is part of our campaign promises that we would improve in the aspect of healthcare services delivery.
“We have been working day and night, seeking help from local and foreign donors for hospital-related equipment.
“This donation came to me as a surprise because I was not expecting something this huge for free.”
He noted that, “All the equipment donated by the Minjirya Health Services Limited are important machines and among the key items that our hospitals urgently needed.
“I am aware of the request from Yariman Bakura Specialist Hospital. Part of their request is to provide them with some of these machines for effective service delivery.
“We were struggling to source funds to acquire some of the equipment, fortunately, we now got them for free as a donation.
“We will distribute the equipment to Yariman Bakura Specialist.
“May Allah reward the donors abundantly and Zamfara State Government is grateful for this compassionate act.”
Earlier, the donors said “we are making this donation bearing in mind the good intentions of the present administration of Governor Dauda Lawal to elevate the health sector in the state.
“The machines are necessary for effective operations of the Gusau General Hospital.”
In the entourage of the Managing Director of Minjirya Health Services Limited is the member representing Daura/Sandamu/Mai’Adua Federal Constituency of Katsina State, Hon. Aminu Jamo.


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Posted by on Aug 4 2023. Filed under Headlines, State News, Zamfara. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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