A Tie Between Israel and the Arab Nations of UAE & Bahrain is Not Peace in the Middle-East! – By Godwin Airuoyuwa

  By Godwin Airuoyuwa | Greater Toronto Area | September 21, 2020 – President Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner are claiming peace in the Middle-East, because of the diplomatic relations established between Israel and the kingdoms of United Arab Emirate (UAE) and Bahrain. These friendly ties among these three nations, signed today, 2020-09-15, […]

Pastor Tony Spell’s Violation of Stay-at-Home Order: Christianity is About Bringing Glory to God – By Godwin Airuoyuwa

By Godwin Airuoyuwa | Greater Toronto Area | May 1, 2020 | Christians do a lot of things in Christ’s name that do not glorify the Father in heaven! The scripture says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven” (Mt 5:16). In […]

The Death of Bishop Gerald Glenn (Virginia, USA) from COVID-19 – By Godwin Airuoyuwa

By Godwin Airyuoyuwa | Greater Toronto Area (GTA) | April 17, 2020 – Bishop Gerald Glenn of the New Deliverance Evangelistic church Virginia is quoted as saying, “God is larger than this dreaded disease.” This statement is no doubt a correct statement, but its application by the Bishop to violate the safety protocols ordered by […]

Coronavirus: Better to Err on the Side of Caution – By Godwin Airuoyuwa

By Godwin Airuoyuwa | Greater Toronto Area (GTA) | April 4, 2020 | – Globally, more than 50,000 people have died from coronavirus, and the number is increasing by the minute. It was initially thought that only the elderly, and those with pre-existing or underlying conditions were the only victims of the virus, but it […]

How to Become a Registered Professional Engineer in Canada

By Godwin O. Airuoyuwa,  B.Eng. P.Eng., PMP , Toronto, Canada – Feb. 2, 2011 – Many African immigrant engineers are in this country today either working as factory workers or are engaged in some less dignifying jobs not related to engineering. This is not a choice many of them would have made if the option of being […]


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