Biafra: What seek Ye? – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | April 4, 2015 – It’s usually ( so I heard) easy to associate the ‘first person singular’ with pride because, as it appears, when a man makes himself a reference to a point, he tends to give undue credence to himself. But it’s also true that, to drive home […]

Nigeria’s Present Leadership: the Worst Offspring of Luggard’s Prediction – By

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu / NNP / Feb. 16, 2013 – Nigeria’s present Leadership: The Worst offspring of Lugard’s Predictions Written by Ikechukwu Enyiagu, [email protected] Although Frederick Lugard’s curse-prediction/definition of the characteristics of the several ethnic groups which Britain eventually compelled into the near-century shame called Nigeria has been the discourse of several analysts for years; […]

The Private Jets and the Chariots of Fire! – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | Nov. 18, 2012 – “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but not one of my words will be left unfulfilled.” The word of God, as the ultimate illuminant, reveals Truth in its perfection. It reveals man and his weaknesses and insufficiency; then it reveals the old serpent and all […]

Achebe and the Bitter Truths from True Elders – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | Oct. 31, 2012 – Those who boastfully killed God’s children with starvation, deprivation and outright murder turned around, after they have made rubbish of their anti-Igbo privatization policy, and started ordaining themselves as priests of the very God whose children they joyfully killed – priests to the “Most High,” […]

I See Biafra Here: Any Igbo “ZIK” of Nigeria is Doomed – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | Sept. 3., 2012 – There was once an old man in a part of Igboland whose activities became the shame of his children, family and the entire town. As old as he was, he did not only indulge in drug abuse, he rallied hopeless and helpless youths to do […]

“Kill the Igbo, Gen. Azubuike Ihejirika & Jonathan Will Be Plucked Off” – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu |NNP | August 19, 2012  – The Irish man, Edmund Burke, a onetime statesman, author, orator, political theorist and philosopher who served for many years in the House of Commons of Great Britain as a member of the Whig party, was quoted as having said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph […]

To All who Preach Impeachment and Resignation to Jonathan: Shut Your Traps – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | August 11, 2012 – One’s country should be a thing of pride for every citizen, no matter where they are or their status. And such country’s leaders should be as shining stars and pillars of encouragement for patriotism. That’s why you can find, amongst other nationalities, citizens who ride […]

To the Christian Leaders in Nigeria I write- By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | July 15, 2012 – What humbling yet glorifying experience it is to be called and chosen in the ministry of reconciliation! What great honor the Lord has bestowed on simple man, making him special; and on the least to be counted, making him a light to the nations! The […]

America is No God and Obama is No Savior – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | July 13, 2012 – Death is the beginning of an eternal life; a life which will no longer be taken away. Therefore those who kill or threaten the flesh, through all inhumane ways, are the most ignorant, no matter how excellently their crimes appear to have been covered. How much […]

Britain, the Mother of All Nigerian Fraud – By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu |NNP| March 17, 2012 – Foundation matters in all – everything comes with its foundation. In architecture, and indeed, in every other sphere of life, growth and living, foundation takes center stage. If you have got to go higher, then you have got to dig lower; and if you must stand taller, […]


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