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To the Christian Leaders in Nigeria I write- By Ikechukwu Enyiagu

By Ikechukwu Enyiagu | NNP | July 15, 2012 – What humbling yet glorifying experience it is to be called and chosen in the ministry of reconciliation! What great honor the Lord has bestowed on simple man, making him special; and on the least to be counted, making him a light to the nations! The love of God has bought us and has set a foundation for His church. It’s this love also which bares all things to men who truly seek His perfect will in all of His creation. There can be no true love until and unless there is true understanding, and love will not be perfect unless and until that very understanding of His love for us is born even in our spirit by His Spirit. His love perfected His creation, His laws, His prophets, the unveiling of our savior, and the victory which came to all His church through His death, burial and resurrection. In this love of God lie both the fruits of His Spirit and the whole amour of God for a truly glorious life in His calling upon us. Perfect wisdom is found in perfect love.

I write to you this day, all Christian leaders in Nigeria; I address all of you who stand, in your various chariots, as co-laborers with God in His vineyard. I write to you as men who also build upon the foundation which has already been laid which is Jesus Christ. I write to you in remembrance to, especially this time, be cautious of how you build and what blocks you add to the glorious manifestation of His saints because there can be no other foundation which will stand except that which has been truly founded in Jesus Christ. From Him issues forth perfect truth which is able to revive and to keep His church, and which is able to give answers to every question the world may throw at His church. I write to remind us all that the life in Christ is founded upon confessing with our mouth and believing in our hearts that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. The knowledge we have graciously received in Christ enables us to settle every matter which regards to foundations before any building which will, in all truth, bear His glorious name can be laid.

I write to you today regarding Nigeria, a country which came about by the will of men, and sustained by actions which oppose, in every way, the very God who has called us. I write to you because you know that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; and He is the light. There is no darkness in Him all His words are established as the only eternal truth. I write to you because you, above all else, stand in the grace of understanding the mighty importance of foundations. While we were founded, Jesus spared nothing; His love, His truth, His shame, His fears, His pains and His deaths. He spared nothing because He knew that, unless we are truly founded in Him and by His blood, we shall all likewise perish. Now, I do not write to preach to you or to remind you what you already know. No! I write to remind you the power, responsibility and accountability of what you already know; what you were entrusted with when you came into Christ.

How do you tell God’s people that they are free when you continually bound them with lies? The eternal Word of God says that it’s by knowing (taking to heart, accepting for ourselves, and speaking it forth) the truth will we be free, and then totally free. The foundation of the truth was based on the truth which was not only known but uttered by Apostle Peter, which truth is that Jesus is the Christ, son of the living God. While we pray the prayer Jesus taught us, do we forget that the third supplication which comes after His place centers on manifesting Him on earth? Today, every believer is called into the ministry of reconciliation; it’s an unequalled privilege. Yet the reconciliation is to God and not to us. Apostle Paul once said, “For I could wish that I myself were accursed, separated from Christ for the sake of my brethren, my kinsmen according to the flesh, who are Israelites, to whom belongs the adoption as sons, and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Law and the temple service and the promises, whose are the fathers, and from whom is the Christ according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed forever. Amen.” His wishes were a perfect display of an inner knowledge of the working of a truly founded love. He knew that his salvation comes first for him, yet he willed that the unbelieving Israel would take his place, if only they could believe and be saved!

The truth upon which the love (which we claim to be full in our hearts) of God stands has long been compromised in the Nigerian society. The foundation of our service is not based upon the foundation of Christ; its based of greed, selfishness, self-serving boasts, prayers and compulsions! Nigeria, as a country was founded and is sustained by your false services and disobedient to the very foundation which founded you. Christ did not yoke unwilling men; He tabled the truth and ASKED ALL TO CHOOSE. He said “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers,” yet it seems that this very thing is what the churches in Nigeria have continually stood for: that those called and chosen must be destroyed alongside those who have insistently chosen the way of the Antichrist. When you compel to reconcile men to themselves, do you not know that the reconciliation to God then is defeated? You pray that Nigeria remains one because you have ignored the position of foundation in the building of a true church. You have shunned the grace of God and the assurances His Word brings, and instead have chosen to compel, to yoke and to found Gods children upon false foundation and promises by praying for unity where abomination is continually planted and watered. You pray for peace when men can no longer sleep because of the reign of the antichrist. And you insist that Nigeria remain one even when it’s clear to all that its oneness has become a breeding ground for hell: those who have come boldly and willingly and committedly unto Christ have become the targets of the spirit which holds Nigeria together. You claim that Nigeria needs unity and peace but you refuse to declare likewise that no foundation of falsehood, injustice and bloodshed can hold. And for the love of Mammon, Nigeria has continued to rise in unbearable abominations. Every sin is sin but an abomination is when man, with the help of the antichrist, stands in direct opposition to God and all He has created in perfection and love. Nigeria is an abomination and those who champion its continued existence are abominable before God. Not even you can deny that you do not worship this Mammon. You argue that ‘there are tribulations in the world” yet you forget that woe is to that man who causes any of God’s children to fall.

Nigeria is founded and run by the sprit of the Antichrist and he will never stop until and unless he wins all to hell, destroys all, or the country is dissolved. I do not have to recount the many reasons why Nigeria stands against God’s design for our people; you already know the truth even when you have blinded yourselves with greed and falsehood. There is no love of God in a man who prays, wishes, or compels an impossible and abominable Nigeria to stand; and there is no love shown for those who are thus unwillingly bound. It’s not about success; it’s neither about unity nor about peace. The desire to “keep Nigeria one” was borne out of greed and callousness, the very gifts from that serpent of old. And even you have continually watered these even in the church of Christ by your falsehood. Not all of you are thus guilty, but the majority of you and those of you to whom many of God’s children look up as shepherds are not innocent. Why else would the Spirit of God declare that judgment would begin from His temple if not because you corrupt the anointing and use it to yoke those whom Christ has saved?

It is time for you all to see that the ministry of reconciliation cannot be based on falsehood. It will not come by compulsion. Jesus Christ is the head of the church and we, the church are members of His body. The eternal government lies on His shoulder which is a part of His body. Although the church does not carry guns and chains, we do not only have the power to reconcile, we also have the power for discernment and for separation. Those who believe, we reconcile to God; those who reject the message of truth, we bear witness against. It’s time to speak about the foundation of Nigeria and how it stands against everything the foundation which founded us stands on. We, as elders in God’s house, must admit that Nigeria is neither heaven nor is it God’s promise to His people on earth. We must admit that a One-Nigeria destroys our children and the future of the gospel through us. We must admit that, as God has given man the freedom to choose whom to worship, we, as co-laborers, must also know that those bound under Nigeria have the rights to exercise their freedom to choose whether to remain bound by a spirit which produces nothing but all the fruits of hell out of those thus bound, or to move away, go to the mountain and worship their God. You cannot expect the gospel to prosper in Egypt – a place where Christ has been rejected in every way; not even Jesus, our model, was ABLE to help His native people while they disbelieved and doubted Him. The people who want to worship must be allowed to do so; Nigeria must utterly dissolve so that people will be free to make conscious choices –  even as it’s obtainable in every other country of the world: Islamic or circular.

Sometime in May, during the year’s “Democracy Day” Interdenominational Church Service held at the National Christian Centre, Abuja, titled “Know the truth and the truth shall set you free,” the former president of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and former primate of the church of Nigeria Anglican Communion, Rev. Peter Jasper Akinola, spoke words which are closest to home regarding the question, “Nigeria,” among others ever spoken by those who see themselves as the “Big Nigerians.” No one amongst these topnotch has ever spoken words which are closer to the truth that Rev. Akinloa dared to utter in this May, 2012. Yet, what he said was just a partial truth because, until those who lead God’s people in different regions in Nigeria (no matter where you serve God from) begin to declare convincingly and openly that Nigeria was not made to be one country, that Nigeria has become an abomination before God, and that it will be better, in every way and for everyone, that Nigeria dissolves, then they only have proven to be representing themselves and the father of lies who anointed them: satan. All the shame and sorrows and pains and the deaths which have become norms in Nigeria are charged to your accounts, all you preachers who preach everything except the foundation; except the truth! Know you today that even if man refuses to praise God, He is able to raise stones and make them worthy. If you refuse to speak the glaring truth of Nigeria’s abominations in remaining as a country, and if you continue to preach and pray (whether or not you are paid to do so) for unity, peace in a continued One-Nigeria, God will remove you from your places and send you home. And He will put people who are grateful; He will put them in your places and make them worthy. Yet Nigeria is already divided. Your silence and your falsehood will not change that; it will only affect more people for whom you were called to save. But you will not go unrewarded. God is faithful to honor His Word.wp_posts

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Posted by on Jul 15 2012. Filed under Articles, Columnists, Ikechukwu Enyiagu, NNP Columnists. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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