Senate President Lawan, the Law equally Protects Females, Take Steps on Senator Elisha Abbo -By John Egbeazien Oshodi

By John Egbeazien Oshodi |Florida, USA |July 12, 2019- Universally, from the angle of moral psychology the most sacred places on the planet are the burial ground, religious spaces and the Senate chamber. The yet to fully settle Senate President Ahmed Lawan of the 9th National Assembly along with Deputy President, Senator Ovie Omo-Agege are now […]

A Note of Advice to The Nigerian Police on Kidnap Speech in Public – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

By Dr. John E. Oshodi | Florida, USA | January 2, 2016 – The news of a former Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Olu Falae, coming home alive was good news to all of us, as it is not unusual to hear that kidnappers have killed their victims even when ransom is paid.   The […]

How the Nigerian Police, Judiciary, Prison and Healthcare Sectors Cause More Problems to Insane Offenders: The Way Forward – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi | Abuja, Nigeria | January 1, 2016 – It should be noted that mental health care is far from perfect in first world countries when it comes to addressing the needs of insane offenders but what entails in a promising nation like Nigeria needs urgent diagnostic study with the outcomes aggressively […]

The Need for the Realization of a Social Security System in Nigeria is Now – Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi

Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi  | Florida, USA | Oct. 4, 2015 – As in all African cultures including Nigeria, traditionally it is expected that working and financially stable family members will provide financial and emotional care for their school-aged children and aging parents, in addition to other relatives who are coping with sickness, disability and […]

Mr. President, Allow Us to Become Professional Resources in Your Administration – Dr. John E. Oshodi & Queen Momoh

By Dr. John Oshodi & Queen Momoh | NNP | August 1, 2015 – President Muhammadu Buhari, now that you have been sworn in to lead Nigeria with a newly restored commitment to usher in democratic institutional practices, we would like an opportunity to bring our practical experiences in government services to you as a […]

President Barack Obama, Nigerians Await Your Visit as the Nation Shifts from an Underground Presidency – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

By Dr. John E. Oshodi | NNP | April 20, 2015 – Nigerians have not stopped celebrating since March 2015 which marked the point when the Jonathan Administration, where trust was very hard to establish, where the leadership behaved as if Nigeria was their personal kitchen, and where the use of political power through the […]

The Present Culture of EFCC in Nigeria Requires a Swift Ethical Overhaul Moving Forward – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

Dr. John E. Oshodi | NNP | April 13, 2015 –  In the coming months and years, Nigerians are looking forward to a government that will take steps to overhaul one of the nation’s police or law enforcement organizations, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC). EFCC is one of those establishments hurriedly pieced together with […]

Prince Buruji Kashamu Self-Surrender to the Nearest Police Station Now in Readiness for America – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

By Dr. John E. Oshodi | NNP | April 4, 3015 – In the last few hours, the American media informed its people that you just won a seat in the Nigerian Senate, while even at the same time you remain a wanted offender in the U. S for a drug smuggling operation. Dear Prince Kashamu, though this case has marked you as a runaway criminal offender for a very long time, you found a free space in Nigeria, with the support of President […]

Jonathan, the Haunting Eyes of Captain Koli are on You Until You Talk with Him – By Dr. John E. Oshodi

By Dr. John E. Oshodi | NNP | March 10, 2015 – President Goodluck Jonathan, the haunting powers of Captain Sagir Koli, a Nigerian military intelligence officer, could result in you carrying around a load of guilt in both your states of awakenness and dreams regarding the recorded Ekiti rigging matter. It could even make […]

Boko Haram: Military is Still Struggling Due to Lack of a Sense of National Unity – By Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi

Dr. John Egbeazien Oshodi | NNP | Jan. 17, 2015 – Whether it is 150 or as many as 2,000 people who were killed in the town of Baga and within its surrounding areas, it matters not; one reality stands clear–these are our brothers and sisters. This latest attack by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, […]


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