Press Release: Posche Secrets provides free prosthetics for breast cancer survivors

Posche Secrets provides free prosthetics for breast cancer survivors   As part of activities to mark the 2018 World Cancer Day, Posche Secrets, a non-governmental organisation, has reiterated its commitment to supporting breast cancer survivors with free prosthesis.   Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women globally. While it appears to be more […]

Press Release: Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) Awardee Launches Digital Library

Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) Awardee Launches Digital Library e86 Limited, a Nigerian software development firm and an awardee of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP), has expressed commitment to making learning fun, affordable and more readily accessible through its flagship product, Panacea e-library. In a statement released by the its management team, e86 Limited laments […]

Press Release: National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) Approves Open Distance and Flexible Learning in 25 Polytechnics (pictures)

NBTE Approves Open Distance and Flexible Learning in 25 Polytechnics As part of efforts towards improving access to quality education, the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) on Wednesday May 24, 2017 approved the implementation of Open Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) for 12 programs including Science and Laboratory Technology, Computer Technology, Statistics, Accountancy and […]

Lagos and the Open Graves No One is Talking About – By Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | NNP | March 3, 2017 – As a dewy-eyed boy growing up in the tranquil town of Ile-Ife, Osun state, I felt nothing but pity for the people who have willfully subjected themselves to the throes of living in a big city like Lagos when they could have had a much […]

The Many Faces of Slavery and Imperialism – By Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | Lagos, Nigeria | December 8, 2015 – The world was recently taken aback by news of a London-based Nigerian doctor, Emmanuel Edet, and his wife who were found guilty of enslaving one Ofonime Sunday Inuk for 24 years. As pathetic as the case is, it is only one of many such […]

Gays and Lesbians, We Will Not Keep Quiet! – By Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | Lagos, Nigeria | May 22, 2014 – Gays and Lesbians, We Will Not Keep Quiet!  Same sex marriage has been a subject of public debate for a long time. A cursory review of ancient literature traces this contention to the antediluvian age. Since then, proponents of this world view have coined […]

The Dilemma of a Nation – Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | NNP | March 22, 2014 – Nigeria is undoubtedly a country with great promise. On account of her favourable weather conditions and rich supply of natural resources, Nigeria was once described by my good friend, Olanike Omolehin, as a country situated in the heart of God; and I agree with her. […]

We Are the Government – By Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | NNP | Feb. 23, 2014 – When I wrote an article titled Failed Government or Failing Citizens in January 2013, I expected a reverberation of mixed comments. I was not disappointed. In that piece, I attempted to challenge the belief system that makes us channel our creative energies towards blaming the […]

Re-writing the Nigerian Story through Youth Development – By Philip Amiola

By Philip Amiola | NNP | Dec. 13, 2013 – Recently, I met a bright American chap who is not favourably disposed to watching CNN because as far as he’s concerned, CNN is an acronym for Constant Negative News. I didn’t find it difficult to understand his viewpoint as I have often thought along those […]

Ese Walter & Pastor Fatoyinbo Sex Scandal:Between Schadenfreude & Fair Opinion – By Philip Amiola

    By Philip Amiola | Lagos, Nigeria | Sept. 1, 2013 -I have taken a break from mass media for a while to take care of some personal projects. However, I have been so harangued by the sex scandal involving Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo and Ese Walter that I think I should offer a word […]


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