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COVID-19: Jonathan’s foundation berates African nations on failure of governance

By: Ariwera Ibibo-Howells, Yenagoa.


Former President Goodluck Jonathan Foundation (GJF) says the current COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the African continent has exposed the long history of neglect and failure of governance in the continent. The Tide correspondent reports that the former president’s foundation stated this during the maiden edition of its flagship programme,  ‘Policy Dialogue Series’ held virtually at the weekend which has as its theme, “COVID-19, Peace and Security in Africa: Impact,  Risk and Mitigation.”


The Executive Director of the foundation, Mrs. Ann Iyonu, in a communique after the dialogue, said that the rationale for the  series of dialogue is to create awareness on some of the effects the African continent faces in the wake of the novel coronavirus pandemic.

The dialogue which attracted participants from many nations, including; Kenya, Gabon, Uganda, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Nigeria was used to examined the impacts and risks associated with the pandemic on peace and security in Africa as well as the approach and strategies for mitigating them in the light of current realities and the fragile nature of some African States.


The programme called on African leaders to look inwards and develop country specific, original and organic solutions that speak on peace and security issues, taking advantage of the talents, skills, and experiences that abound within the continent. The foundation’s executive Director urged African States and the continent as a whole to go beyond rhetoric and start collaborating by leveraging on their comparative advantages. “The COVID-19 pandemic exposes the vulnerability of many communities, placing citizens at a high risk of recruitment by extremist groups. There is tendency for African leaders in their attempt to ending the cycle of infection of the virus to shift focus or be blind to the peace and security issues facing the continent,”Mrs. Iyonu said.


“Shutting down tertiary institutions during this period of crisis is counterproductive to the growth and development of the continent as the pandemic presents an opportunity for African leaders to leverage on technology and ensure that learning continues”, she noted.

“The COVID 19 pandemic is exposing the long history of failure of governance in the continent and if this is not addressed, it may lead to the collapse of many African States. Economic concerns are beginning to take priority over the health, peace and security of citizens. The current approach of city-wide lockdowns and movement restriction denies citizens access to their safe spaces and other forms of human rights, increase in reported cases of Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in the continent”, she said.


“The needs of women, youth, and other vulnerable groups are often neglected in emergency response situations as posed by the current pandemic.We task leaders across the continent to develop a robust database and clinical evidence about the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa which will help in developing the appropriate approach in tackling the impact and risks associated with the health crisis,” she stated.



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Posted by on May 7 2020. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Goodluck Jonathan (2010-present), Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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