Home » Africa & World Politics, Headlines » Ghanaian undercover reporter shot dead in his car

Ghanaian undercover reporter shot dead in his car

Ahmed is an undercover reporter with Tiger Eye, an investigative media platform owned by Anas Aremeyaw Anas in Ghana. The journalist was instrumental to the story which exposed the corruption in the Ghanian sports sector. On Wednesday, gunmen on a motorbike rained bullets on his car while he was driving. He was shot twice in the chest and once in the neck.

Journalists in Ghana are mourning the death of their colleague, Ahmed Hussein-Suale, who was shot dead on Wednesday night.

Ahmed is an undercover reporter with Tiger Eye, an investigative media platform owned by Anas Aremeyaw Anas in Ghana. The journalist was instrumental to the story that exposed the corruption in the Ghanian sports sector. On Wednesday, gunmen on a motorbike rained bullets on his car while he was driving. He was shot twice in the chest and once in the neck.

Ahmed’s death was announced by Anas via his Twitter handle in the early hours of Thursday. He described the event as sad, stating that Tiger Eye would not stop in its fight against corruption.

Alongside a video which showed Kennedy Agyapong, a Ghanian lawmaker threatening to bring down Ahmed, Anas wrote: “Sad news, but we shall not be silenced. Rest in peace, Ahmed.”

In the video entitled “Who Watches the Watchman”, Kennedy said: “The boy (pointing to a picture of Ahmed), that’s very dangerous. He lives here in Madina. If you meet him somewhere, break his ears (slap him). If he ever comes to this premises, I’m telling you beat him. Whatever happens, I’ll pay. Because he’s bad. That Ahmed. Show their pictures and let’s see. The boy, that’s him. Ahmed, that’s him. This one is called Ahmed. His other picture is there as well, make it big. If he comes here, beat him. This is the boy, he’s a bad boy”.

At the moment, it’s not been ascertained if Ahmed was assassinated or a victim of robbery but Agyapong’s threat, coupled with the fact that nothing was stolen from the journalist seems to lend more credence to an assassination, as Anas and his team thinks.

In the past, Tiger Eye had cried out that its staff members were being threatened.

Since the announcement was made, local and International organisations have condemned Ahmed’s murder, while also restating the need to protect journalists in Africa.

On Thursday, the Committee to Project Journalists (CPJ) tweeted: “Authorities in #Ghana should immediately investigate the killing of journalist Ahmed Divela and ensure that threats against the press are taken seriously.”


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Posted by on Jan 17 2019. Filed under Africa & World Politics, Headlines. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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