Oge kimono: Men can’t just keep their eyes off me
Arts/Culture & Entertainment, Headlines Saturday, February 1st, 2014By Tony Ogaga Erhariefe
Like her father, Ras Kimono, Oge Kimono speaks in a blend of patois and English and sometimes you have to strain your ears to capture all she has to say. And she’s one girl who stands out in the crowd. As I stepped into Bogobiri, located on Raymond Njoku Drive, Falomo, Lagos, last week, I had no problem identifying her as her complexion was practically screaming for attention.
Wearing what she describes as funky dreadlocks and glasses which gives her that nerdish look, Oge has large and coloured earrings dangling from her ears. She’s draped in a brownish leopard prints top, a pair of stripped jeggins which outlined her figure and matching slip ones, while her slender arms are beautifully decorated with large and bright coloured bangles.
Ever since the act known as Oge Kimono dropped her debut single last year, she has never looked back as she has continued to grow from strength to strength. She recently shot the video of her single, Drum and Base due to popular demand and Oge couldn’t stop talking about her music as she opened up to The Entertainer .
“The single’s entitled Drum and Base,” she begins with a grin that reveals a perfect row of teeth, “it was released early last year, sometime in March and I did a couple of promotions and got massive airplay across Nigeria. So I felt the video was overdue because my fans are all over me for a video. I worked with a renowned music video director called AJE Filmworks.
“We shot scenes in places as far away as Togo but most of the scenes were shot in Festac Town, Lagos, because of the colours; we wanted bright reggae colours which depict the real Jamaican dance hall feel and it was wow!”
According to Oge Kimono, the response has been awesome! She says that fans are loving it and just going crazy: “I think what makes people love it the more is that even though it’s a dancehall video, you still see Nigerian elements running through it; we have scenes with Lagos busses, Keke Marwa and the Nigerian flag flying in all its glory in the background and that depicts a lot of Nigerian influence,” she adds with a ring of enthusiasm to her voice.
At a time when hip hop music is the in thing, what informed her choice of reggae music?
“I’m Nigerian but I’m more into reggae music. Yes, reggae music has its root and origin in Jamaica but we also have our African reggae as well. I just bring the two together and blend them in a unique way. Don’t forget I’m from a reggae family as well and my father has been influencing me; I mean da lion is still influencing da I,” she says laughing gaily as she switches seamlessly to patois.
Ras Kimono
One man Oge Kimono can’t stop talking about is her dad, Ras Kimono. She opened up on plans to do remixes of his songs with a view to preserving and taking his legacy to the next level.
“I’m definitely looking at remixing one of his songs and having him on it. You know, it’s going to be a features kind of thing. I’ll be doing the chanting and he would be doing the singing. And it’s definitely not going to be Rhumba Style because a lot of people have done that. I haven’t really decided which song it’s going to be but it’s definitely going to be one of his great classics,” Oge Kimono says beaming with smiles.
There was this rumour recently that broke the heart of many Nigerians that her father was dead. How did the tale emanate and what was her first reaction?
“When people are rumoured dead, that’s means long life,” she says gesticulating to drive home her point, “I see the positive side of everything. I didn’t hear about it initially then someone called me up and was like ‘have you heard?’ I said ‘heard what?’ and she retorted ‘your dad is dead!’
“I was with my dad and I had just spoken to him so I said, ‘who said that? Where did you hear this? And then she’s saying, ‘haven’t you been on facebook? Haven’t you been on twitter? So I went on facebook and checked it out and had such a good laugh!
“I told my dad and we both laughed over it and I was like ‘Ras Kimono, this is the second time they’re rumouring you dead. Rasta, you gonna be sticking around for a long time to come,” she adds laughing.
Best man
For Oge Kimono, her dad is the best man that ever lived: “He’s everything to me. Hardly a day goes by without talking to him no matter what corner of the world I find myself. We both share a very strong bond. I could tell him anything about myself including my love life. The first time I had a crush on a guy and told him it didn’t go down well. You know, fathers are always protective of their babies.”
However, she is quick to reveal that she has his blessings for her music career.
“My dad was cool with me going into music because I have a solid background. If there’s anything he’s thought us his children, its discipline because he’s a very disciplined man.
“We don’t see dad hanging around ladies, he neither drinks nor smokes. He’s straight and that’s the discipline he’s imbibed in us so when I got into music he was not scared at all. He was like, ‘if that’s what you want to do then just do it as long as you’re cool with it but be careful, there would be temptations but always know to keep yourself.’”
Her dad ruled the late 80s till about mid 1990s and now she’s taking after him. Can she break out of his shadows?
“I’m not in his shadows,” she declares in an ejaculatory outburst, “ the fact that I do reggae music does not mean I’m in his shadows. Ras Kimono like you people call him is the rub-a-dub master while I’m the dancehall queen and reggae ambassador. I do three sub genres of reggae music which are root, lovers’ rock and dancehall.”
Has his name opened doors for her. Her features lit up with a bright smile as she responds: “Yes,” she says beaming, “though I’m not the type who wants to ride on my dad’s fame but sometimes, when you go to places and introduce yourself ‘hi, my name is Oge Kimono’ they are like ‘wow! You’re Ras Kimonos daughter?’ And then I’m like ‘ yes, this is Ras Kimono’s daughter, may the name open the door,” she says as we share another laugh.
As a young lady, Oge says that men find her irresistible due to her light complexion and that could be a big temptation. But thanks to her dad’s advice which has helped get her out of trouble with the opposite sex.
“As a young lady you’ll have men hitting on you all the time. I’m light skinned and I attract a lot of traffic; guys just can’t get their eyes off me and I understand they are just human so I don’t let it go to my head. When guys make passes at me I hear Daddy’s voice come screaming from the background and I’m like ‘okay Oge Kimono, you’ve gotta watch yourself,’” she says as we laugh even more.
Has she ever been sexually harassed? “Fortunately I’ve not encountered that.
I think it could have a lot to do with how you relate with people. When I meet producers for the first time I try to make them my friends. I don’t bore them with tales of how I want to blow overnight in music.
“When they see desperation in you, thats when they come after you. I’m not desperate for fame. I’m doing music because I love music; I’ve never had that challenge.”
Ganja is popular among reggae musicians. Does she smoke weed for inspiration?
“No I don’t. Inspiration comes to me naturally. I could be sleeping and wake up singing a song. Sometimes I hum it from my sleep; I get inspirations from my dreams and when I wake up I get my phone and record it and when I listen to it I’m like wow! But by the next morning I’m like, ‘what the heck was that!’ We break into another round of laughter as she continues. “I also get inspiration from things happening around me, my experiences and of course, other people’s experiences.”
Greatest challenge
“I’ve been through a couple of challenges but I think it’s just normal. There would always be challenges especially financial challenges for an artiste like me that’s sponsoring herself.
“I’m not on any record label yet so I’m doing all by myself; from my own pocket and that could be very challenging because sometimes, you don’t have the cash that you need immediately and then it sets you back and you have to review your plans all over again. However, there’s been no time when I felt like quitting.”
Is Oge Kimono in a relationship right now?
She laughs gaily as she responds, a dreamy look in her eyes: “Right now I don’t have a boyfriend and I’m not in any relationship. I’m into my music and I’m keeping myself and looking at getting married soon definitely. Yes, there are admirers in the back ground but I just haven’t made up my mind yet.”
What are those qualities she looks out for in a guy?
“He has to be God fearing, disciplined and caring.”
Would she give up her music career if her man demanded it?
“No,” she declares waving her hands and shaking her head vigorously. “Don’t even go there! The man that would marry me would love me for me so he would be able to accommodate my music which is my first love. He can’t ask me to drop my first love; that would be like killing me!”
New track
As you read this story, Oge is poised to take her game to the next level when she unveils her next single in early February. She speaks excitedly about the track which she has christened Safe.
“For now I’ve just a single which has been on air. I am dropping another one in the first week of February entitled Safe. It’s about having a safe relationship; it’s all about not getting hurt in your relationship,” says Oge who reveals that she relaxes by swimming, play pool, reading, chilling out with her family and friends and traveling as well.
Male fans
Oge Kmino has flawless skin. What’s her beauty routine? “Neutrogena oil,” she says smiling broadly as she adds, “and any cream I see. Sometimes I use lotions but I sweat a lot so I also shower a lot.”
What’s the craziest thing a male fan ever did to her? She pauses for a while before she responds: “It was at a show in Kaduna. A guy just came and gave me a peck and a hug! It happened last year. Then I was doing promotions for Drum and Base and I had a gig in Kaduna. He just came and said ‘oh my, I love you! And before I knew it I got a hug and a peck! I felt good; it’s always a thing of joy to be appreciated.”
What message does she have for her male fans?
“To all my male fans me love unu bad,” she says switching into patois as we share another laugh.
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