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Oil Resumption in Ogoni: Shell Group Plan Fresh Plots Against MOSOP

There are indications that fresh crises could brew within the leadership of Ogoni as credible information available to Ogoninews.com indicates fresh plot to forcefully take over the leadership of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP) with the intention to force oil resumption in Ogoni.

The plot is a grand design of a pro–Shell group seeking to enthrone a leadership of MOSOP that will expressly accept the resumption of oil exploration in Ogoni and a possible acceptance of Shell back to Ogoniland.
Ogoninews investigations reveal that the present leadership of MOSOP headed by Mr. Fegalo Nsuke, an Ogoni prince, is seen as the stumbling block to oil resumption as he has on several occasions expressed the organization’s disapproval of the move and called for peaceful settlement of all issues affecting the Ogoni people in order not to create crises that could lead to the killing of Ogonis.
Nsuke enjoys massive support among Ogonis and particularly those sympathetic to the ideals of MOSOP and the plot against his leadership is daunting following his massive grassroots support.
The plot against MOSOP is designed, our investigations reveal, to kick out Nsuke and replace him with someone who is sympathetic to oil resumption.
Part of the strategies is to call a supposed stakeholder meeting in Saakpenwa, announce a resolution that will ask a former president of MOSOP to conduct fresh elections to enable their possible take over of the presidency of MOSOP.
The pro-Shell group has continued to promote a non-existent division in MOSOP despite a successful election conducted at all levels which saw the emergence of Mr. Nsuke on December 19, 2018.
Ogoninews investigations further reveal that the group is seriously worried about their failure to present a document simply referred to as a “template for oil resumption” which had been designed to replace the Ogoni Bill of Rights and get Shell or any other company back into Ogoniland for oil exploration.
Information available to Ogoninews indicates that a former president of MOSOP has already accepted to do the bidding of the group. The deal which was recently sealed at a meeting in Atlanta, Georgia is to forcefully announce the decision as a resolution at a Saakpenwa stakeholder meeting to be followed by a forceful conduct of elections and the installation of their desired stooge as president of MOSOP.
It is however unclear how these will be achieved following successful elections conducted last year which produced the current leadership headed by Mr. Nsuke coupled with the massive support he enjoys and his control of the entire structures of MOSOP in all kingdoms and special areas in Ogoniland.


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Posted by on Sep 27 2019. Filed under Headlines, Niger Delta, Rivers, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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