Home » Headlines, Niger Delta, Rivers, State News » (Photos) Text of Speech by the MOSOP President, Fegalo Nsuke During the MOSOP Rally in Bori on Saturday, August 24, 2019

(Photos) Text of Speech by the MOSOP President, Fegalo Nsuke During the MOSOP Rally in Bori on Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Ogoni people have declared that the Nigerian state must end the injustices against Ogoni to resolve the prolonged Ogoni conflict. Speaking at a public rally in Bori, traditional headquarter of the Ogoni people on Saturday, August 24, 2019, president of MOSOP, Fegalo Nsuke said Ogoni is seeking for one thing. According to Nsuke, that one thing is justice, that one thing is freedom, that one thing is for our rights to be respected by the Nigerian state.

We must as a people stand up to say we insist that our rights must be respected. We cannot, as Nigerians be contributing so much to the Nigerian economy and we get nothing. They deceive us to tell us that oil resumption will create jobs. That is a lie. They drill the oil and sell it. When monies are shared from the federation account, because there is no Ogoni state, we get nothing, he said.

The MOSOP leader said the Ogoni people were giving the government the opportunity to talk. We are willing to talk. Ogoni is willing to sit with the government and talk.

Ken Saro-Wiwa said, “he does not expect oil resumption in Ogoni to commence until it is properly negotiated”

We cannot talk about oil resumption when the things that prompted the conflict has not been addressed.

The Ogoni problem is not just about the cleanup but the fundamental issues of our resources being taken away, our land being taken away from us and we have lost everything, he declared.

“As long as they continue to cheat us, as long as they continue to deprive us of what belongs to us, as long as they continue to take away our resources from our land and give us nothing, we will continue to protest these injustices and that is what we are doing until they give us what belongs to us.

MOSOP will continue to protest the injustices that has been done to Ogoniland no matter how mush Shell will sponsor hooliganism and terror against Ogoniland, we will not submit” he said

Pictures from the rally in Bori, August 24, 2019
President of MOSOP, Fegalo Nsuke speaking at the rally.
Nsuke arrives rally venue
The Ogoni motivational song – Aaaken Aaken Pya Ogoni Aaken (Arise, Arise, Ogoni people arise).
President of the Federation of Ogoni Women’s Association, Mrs Namon Nwinde speaking at the rally.
President of the National Youth Council of Ogoni People (NYCOP), Theo Mbagha Esq steps up to deliver a solidarity speech.
Chairman of the Conference of Ogoni Traditional Rulers (OCC), HRH George Osaro steps up to deliver his speech
Chairman of Ogoni Council of Churches, Very Rev. Baridam delivery a speech at the rally
A section of the crowd
Traditional dances displayed at the event.
Motor cyclists had fun
Nsuke’s arrival

The Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP)

Headquarters: Peace and Freedom Center, Bori Ogoni

Email: [email protected][email protected]
Website: www.mosop.org.ng


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Posted by on Sep 19 2019. Filed under Headlines, Niger Delta, Rivers, State News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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