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Presidency Cautions APC on Its Anti-people Stance

THE Presidency has warned the All Progressive Congress (APC) against the acts of war it has declared on Nigerians through its anti-people directives to its members in the National Assembly (NASS) who were elected and swore oaths of allegiance to perform their constitutional duties to their constituencies across the country.

The warning came against the latest directive by APC to its members in NASS to deny the Nigerian Police force its vote in 2014 budget to press home its demand for the removal of Mr. Joseph Mbu as the Commissioner of Police in Rivers State.

In a statement to the media Friday, the Special Adviser to the President on Political Affairs, Alhaji Ahmed Ali Gulak said, “The Presidency views with seriousness this latest directive by APC to its members in NASS to continue on the path of confrontation by guerrilla tactics in its war against Nigerian people.”

Gulak said the APC directives to its members in NASS to starve government and its agencies of funds to execute their statutory and constitutionally assigned roles for the good governance are calls for anarchy to rein of the country.


According to him: “By now it should be clear to Nigerians that the APC has a hidden agenda which it can achieve through frustrating through extra constitutional means of simulating crisis for the presidency of Dr. Goodluck Jonathan to provoke social and economic crisis in the country. .

According to Gulak, “the action of APC was to threaten to deny the National Conference of funds to conduct its activities, the second was to ask its members to shun debate of the budget and screening of the ministerial nominees as well as service chiefs, this time they have included the Police votes, which has serious internal and physical implications even as we prepare for the National conference and the election.  .

“Very soon the APC will go after INEC or any other critical national institution for that matter. The party has declared an all out war against the Federal Government and the people of Nigeria, but as the government in power, we urge all Nigerians to be vigilant and reject their ambush political tactics which is reserved for guerrilla situations. .

The statement further read that APC has no plans to transform Nigeria, because it has not organised itself as a political group for the task of governance, has no structures and credible manifesto, and candidates to present to Nigerians even with the release of election time tables at the states and federal election in this year and 2015.




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Posted by on Jan 31 2014. Filed under Goodluck Jonathan (2010-present), Presidency. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

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